Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA787.B9 M33 1981 Buchanan / 1
DA787.D3 W45 2003 Mary, Queen of Scots, and the murder of Lord Darnley / 1
DA787.M2 B53 1990 William Maitland of Lethington, 1528-1573 : a study of the policy of moderation in the Scottish Reformation / 1
DA787.M2 S6 Maitland of Lethington : and the Scotland of Mary Stuart / 1
DA787.M3 R57 2002 Mary of Guise in Scotland, 1548-1560 : a political career / 1
DA787.S74 A53 1982 Robert Stewart, Earl of Orkney, Lord of Shetland, 1533-1593 / 1
DA787.S74 A53 2012 The Stewart Earls of Orkney / 1
DA788 The Kingis Maiesteis proclamatioun beiring the verie occasioun of the present incu[m]ming of the Inglis forces, with his hienes commandement for thair gude intreatment and freindly vsage. 2
DA788 1687 A true accompt of the most triumphant, and royal accomplishment of the baptism of the most excellent, right high, and mighty prince, Henry Frederick, by the grace of God, Prince of Scotland and now Prince of Wales. As it was solemnized the 30: day of August 1594. Exactly re-printed, conform to the old copy, printed at London, in the year 1603. 1
DA788 .B49 1979 James VI of Scotland / 1
DA788 .B5 1969 The making of a king : the early years of James VI and I. 1
DA788 .B76 1986 Bloodfeud in Scotland, 1573-1625 : violence, justice, and politics in an early modern society / 1
DA788 .B82 Ane admonitioun direct to the trew lordis maintenaris of iustice, and obedience to the Kingis Grace. 1
DA788 .C7 Scotland's soveraignty asserted. Being a dispute concerning homage, against those who maintain that Scotland is a feu, or fee-liege of England, and that therefore the king of Scots ows [sic] homage to the king of England. Wherein there are many judicious reflections upon most of the English historians who wrote before the year 1600. and abundance of considerable passages, which illustrate the history of both kingdoms. / 1
DA788 .D57 1572 Ane Discourse tuiching the estait present in October anno Domini 1571 1
DA788 .H48 1982 Scotland under Morton, 1572-80 / 1
DA788 (INTERNET) Ane premonitioun to the barnis of Leith
The exhortatioun of the lordis
The lamentatiõ of the cõmounis of Scotland
Treason pretended against the King of Scots by certaine lordes and gentlemen, whose names hereafter followe : with a declaration of the Kinges Maiesties intention to his last acts of Parliament, which openeth fully in effect of all the saide conspiracy /
Ane admonition direct to the trew Lordis mantenaris of the Kingis graces authoritie
DA788 .J36 2017 James VI and noble power in Scotland 1578-1603 / 1
DA788 .J36 2017eb James VI and noble power in Scotland 1578-1603 / 1
DA788 .J63 1646 The historie of Scotland, during the minority of King Iames 2