Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA788 .S45 Ane premonitioun to the barnis of Leith
The deploratioun of the cruel murther of James Erle of Murray, vmquhile regent of Scotland togidder with ane admonitioun to the Hammiltounis committaris thairof, aud [sic] to all thair fortifearis, mante naris [sic], or assistance, with ane exhortatioun to the lordis and nobilitie, keiparis and defendaris of our kingis grace maiestie.
The exhortatioun of the lordis
The lamentatiõ of the cõmounis of Scotland
DA788 .W54 Scottish national consciousness in the age of James VI : the apocalypse, the union, and the shaping of Scotland's public culture / 1
DA789 .C87 The Gowrie conspiracy and its official narrative / 1
DA789 .E37 The Earle of Gowries conspiracie against the Kings Maiestie of Scotland. At Saint Iohn-stoun vpon Tuesday the fift of August. 1600. 1
DA789 .E37 1600 The Earle of Gowries conspiracie against the Kings Maiestie of Scotland At Saint Iohn-stoun vpon Tuesday the fift of August. 1600. 1
DA789 .G68 The Earle of Gowries conspiracie against the Kings Maiestie At Saint Iohnstoun vpon Tuesday the fift day of August: and in the sixteenth hundred yeare of our Lord God.
Govvreis conspiracie a discourse of the vnnaturall and vyle conspiracie attempted against the kings majesties person at Sanct-Iohnstoun vpon Twysday the 5. of August. 1600.
DA789 .G68 1603 The Earle of Gowries conspiracie against the Kings Maiestie. At Saint Johnstoun vpon Tuesday the fift day of August: and in the sixteene hundred yeares of our Lord God. 1
DA789 .G69 1603 The Earle of Gowries conspiracie against the Kings Majestie. At Saint Johnstoun upon Tuesday the fift day of August: and in the sixteene hundred yeere of our Lord God. 1
DA789 (INTERNET) The examinations, arraignment & conuiction of George Sprot, notary in Aye-mouth together with his constant and extraordinarie behauiour at his death, in Edenborough, Aug. 12. 1608. / 1
DA789 .L26 James VI and the Gowrie mystery / 1
DA789 .S74 1600 A short discourse of the good ends of the higher providence, in the late attempt against His Maiesties person 1
DA790 .H46 A true reportarie of the most triumphant, and royal accomplishment of the babtisme [sic] of the most excellent, right high, and mightie prince, Frederik Henry, by the grace of God, prince of Scotland. Solemnized the 30. day of August 1594. 1
DA790.M37 K47 2019 A Protestant Lord in James VI's Scotland : George Keith, fifth Earl Marischal (1554-1623) / 2
DA790.M6 H4 1982 Scotland under Morton, 1572-80 / 1
DA790.M67 (INTERNET) The deploratioun of the cruel murther of James Erle of Murray, vmquhile regent of Scotland togidder with ane admonitioun to the Hammiltounis committaris thairof, aud [sic] to all thair fortifearis, mante naris [sic], or assistance, with ane exhortatioun to the lordis and nobilitie, keiparis and defendaris of our kingis grace maiestie. 1
DA790.R53 B47 2022 The Duke of Lennox, 1574-1624 : a Jacobean courtier's life / 1
DA790.R64 R62 Vitæ & mortis D. Roberti Rolloci Scoti narratio. 1
DA800 .B68 2020 Public opinion in early modern Scotland, c.1560-1707 / 2
DA800 .B76 1992 Kingdom or province? : Scotland and the regal union, 1603-1715 / 1
DA800 .C44 1858i Domestic annals of Scotland from the reformation to the revolution 1