Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA788 .W54 Scottish national consciousness in the age of James VI : the apocalypse, the union, and the shaping of Scotland's public culture / 1
DA789 .C87 The Gowrie conspiracy and its official narrative / 1
DA789 .E37 The Earle of Gowries conspiracie against the Kings Maiestie of Scotland. At Saint Iohn-stoun vpon Tuesday the fift of August. 1600. 1
DA789 .E37 1600 The Earle of Gowries conspiracie against the Kings Maiestie of Scotland At Saint Iohn-stoun vpon Tuesday the fift of August. 1600. 1
DA789 .G68 The Earle of Gowries conspiracie against the Kings Maiestie At Saint Iohnstoun vpon Tuesday the fift day of August: and in the sixteenth hundred yeare of our Lord God.
Govvreis conspiracie a discourse of the vnnaturall and vyle conspiracie attempted against the kings majesties person at Sanct-Iohnstoun vpon Twysday the 5. of August. 1600.
DA789 .G68 1603 The Earle of Gowries conspiracie against the Kings Maiestie. At Saint Johnstoun vpon Tuesday the fift day of August: and in the sixteene hundred yeares of our Lord God. 1
DA789 .G69 1603 The Earle of Gowries conspiracie against the Kings Majestie. At Saint Johnstoun upon Tuesday the fift day of August: and in the sixteene hundred yeere of our Lord God. 1
DA789 (INTERNET) The examinations, arraignment & conuiction of George Sprot, notary in Aye-mouth together with his constant and extraordinarie behauiour at his death, in Edenborough, Aug. 12. 1608. / 1
DA789 .L26 James VI and the Gowrie mystery / 1
DA789 .S74 1600 A short discourse of the good ends of the higher providence, in the late attempt against His Maiesties person 1
DA790 .H46 A true reportarie of the most triumphant, and royal accomplishment of the babtisme [sic] of the most excellent, right high, and mightie prince, Frederik Henry, by the grace of God, prince of Scotland. Solemnized the 30. day of August 1594. 1
DA790.M37 K47 2019 A Protestant Lord in James VI's Scotland : George Keith, fifth Earl Marischal (1554-1623) / 2
DA790.M6 H4 1982 Scotland under Morton, 1572-80 / 1
DA790.M67 (INTERNET) The deploratioun of the cruel murther of James Erle of Murray, vmquhile regent of Scotland togidder with ane admonitioun to the Hammiltounis committaris thairof, aud [sic] to all thair fortifearis, mante naris [sic], or assistance, with ane exhortatioun to the lordis and nobilitie, keiparis and defendaris of our kingis grace maiestie. 1
DA790.R53 B47 2022 The Duke of Lennox, 1574-1624 : a Jacobean courtier's life / 1
DA790.R64 R62 Vitæ & mortis D. Roberti Rolloci Scoti narratio. 1
DA800 .B68 2020 Public opinion in early modern Scotland, c.1560-1707 / 2
DA800 .B76 1992 Kingdom or province? : Scotland and the regal union, 1603-1715 / 1
DA800 .C44 1858i Domestic annals of Scotland from the reformation to the revolution 1
DA800 .C45 1861i Domestic annals of Scotland from the revolution to the rebellion of 1745 1