Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA804 .O73 1681 The order of the riding of the Parliament conform to the ancient custom of the kingdom of Scotland, and as it was practised the 28th day of July 1681. 1
DA804 .P46 1689 To His Highness the Prince of Orange, the humble address and supplication of the parishioners and inhabitants of the famous town of Linton Submetrapolitan of Tiviotdale.
[Li]ntoun address revived, to His Highness the then Prince of Orange now monarch of Great Britain, &c.
To his highness the Prince of Orange. The humble address and supplication of the parishioners and inhabitants of the famous town of Linton Submetrapolitan of Tiviotdale.
DA804 .P47 1679 A perfect and true account of the rising of the rebels in the west of Scotland together with their declaration. 1
DA804 .R34 2018 Scotland in Revolution, 1685-1690 / 1
DA804 .R43 1681 Reasons for passing the act in favours of the undertakers for the making of gun-pouder and allom. 1
DA804 .R54 King William and the Scottish politicians / 1
DA804 .R64 The Rolls of the Parliament of Scotland being a list of the nobility of Scotland and of the commissioners from the shires and burroughs in this present Parliament, May 8, 1690, His Grace the Earl of Melvil being His Majesty's High Commissioner. 2
DA804 .R8 1681 A true and exact copy of a prodigious and traiterous libel, affixt upon the church-door of Kettle, in Fife, the third of this instant, being Easter-day; / 1
DA804 .S24 1660 Be it known to all men be thir present letters, me [blank] forsameikle as the Committee of Estates presently conveened by the Kings Majesties special warrand and authority, being impowered to act and order what ever may conduce for the peace of this kingdom .. 1
DA804 .S26 A letter from the meeting of the estates of the kingdom of Scotland to the King of England, in answer to His Majesties letter, direct to them ... Edinburgh, March 23. 1689. 1
DA804 .S26 1688 A proclamation anent some rebels, robbers, fugitives, and thieves, who are, or have been, lately in arms in the braes of Lochaber
A proclamation for calling out heretors, &c., for His Majesties service
A proclamation, anent some rebels, robbers, fugitives, and thieves, who are, or have been lately in arms in the braes of Lochaber
DA804 .S26 1689 A proclamation for calling together the militia on this side of Tay, and the fencible men in some shires Edinburgh, the thirtieth day of March, 1689. 2
DA804 .S28 1677 Act discharging solicitations. Edinburgh, the sixth of November, 1677. 1
DA804 .S28 1681 Act acknovvledging and asserting the right of succession to the Imperial Crovvn of Scotland. At Edinburgh, the thirteenth day of August, one thousand six hundred and eighty one. 1
DA804 .S3 1689 A continuation of the proceedings of the convention of the Estates in Scotland. Giving an account of their being come to a resolution of setling the crown of that kingdom upon King William and Queen Mary of England on Monday and Tuesday, the 18th and 19th of this instant March, 1689. 1
DA804 .S34 1679 A proclamation against persons being in arms at field-conventicles, superscribed by His Majesty at Whitehall, the 6th. day of May, 1679. 1
DA804 .S35 A true narrative of the proceedings of His Majesties privy council in Scotland. For securing the peace of that kingdom in the year, 1678.
Letters of publication of a commission under the great-seal anent the security of the peace of the high-lands of Scotland.
A Catalogue of the present Convention of Estates now assembled in the Kingdom of Scotland, with others of the clergy, nobility, and commissioners for shyres and burghs, not therein assembled.
DA804 .S36 A proclamation for calling out heretors and free-holders to attend the Kings host Edinburgh, the seventh day of June, 1679.
A proclamation for discovering such as own, or will not disown a late treasonable declaration of war against His Majesty, and the horrid principle of assassination
Act anent the covenant Edinburgh, May 8, 1685.
A proclamation requiring all heretors and free-holders, liferenters and wodsetters, at, and below an hundred pounds Scots of valued yearly rent, to come presently out and attend the kings host
A proclamation oblidging heritors and masters for their tennants and servants
Act concerning the keeping of conventicles Edinburgh, the twenty sixth day of April, 1676.
A proclamation for securing the peace of the High-lands Edinburgh, the tenth day of October, 1678.
A proclamation agains[t] the resetting of tenents or servants vvithout testificats
His Majesties gracious proclamation for ordering the prosecution of all rebels and their ressetters for holding justice-airs, and admitting rebels not heretors to take the tests, &c.
Act in favours of the vassals and creditors of forefaulted persons Edinburgh, April 27, 1689.
Acts of sederunt of the Lords of the session, past since February 1681
Act against preachers at conventicles, and these present at field conventicles Edinburgh, May 8, 1685.
His Majesties gracious proclamation for ordering the prosecution of all rebels and their ressetters for holding justice-airs, and admitting rebels not heretors to take the tests, &c
Additional instructions for the militia: Edinburgh, the eight day of July, 1680.
DA804 .S36 1660 A proclamation for in-bringing of his Majesties hanging, houshold stuffe, and other furniture, &c. At Edinburgh the 22. day of September, 1660. 1
DA804 .S36 1661 An Act of Parliament passed in the first Parliament of King Charles the Second in Scotland, concerning the League and Covenant, and discharging the renewing thereof without His Majesties warrand and approbation.
Act condemning the transactions concerning the King's Majesty, whilst he was at Newcastle, in the years, 1646 and 1647. At Edinburgh, 20. January. 1661.