Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA804.1 .C66 1681 A Copy of the test which is to be taken by all such persons as shall be imployed in any publick place of trust in Scotland 1
DA804.1.D9 B2 Viscount Dundee / 1
DA804.1.D9 B2 1903a Viscount Dundee / 1
DA804.1.D9 L454 1989 For king and conscience : John Graham of Claverhouse, Viscount Dundee, 1648-1689 / 1
DA804.1.D9 M3 1937 Claverhouse / 1
DA804.1.D9 M622 Claverhouse / 1
DA804.1.F6 A24 The political works of Andrew Fltcher, esq. 1
DA804.1.F6 A25 1997 Political works / 1
DA804.1.H3 L58 1680 Celsissimo principi, Gulielmo Hamiltoniæ Duci, & c. poematûm bellaria. / 1
DA804.1.H9 A2 Domestic details / 1
DA804.1.L3 M9 1670 To the most illustrious, John, Earle of Lauderdale, &c. His Majesties High Commissioner for the kingdom of Scotland, His Grace, a congratulatory welcome of an heart-well-wishing quill: hecatombe. 1
DA804.1 .M33 1697 The last speech of Sir Godfrey McCullough of Myretoun, knight and baronet, who was beheaded at the cross of Edinburgh, the twenty sixth day of March, 1697. 1
DA804.1.P4 M9 1685 To the right honourable James Earl of Perth, Lord Drummond, and Stob-hall, &c. Lord High Chancellour of his Majesties most ancient kingdom of Scotland. The congratulatory welcome of an obliged quill. 1
DA804.1.Q44 M45 2008 The Duke of Queensberry and the union of Scotland and England : James Douglas and the Act of Union of 1707 / 1
DA804.1 .S52 1679 The manner of the barbarous murther of James, late Lord Arch-Bishop of St. Andrews, Primate and Metropolitan of all Scotland, and one of His Majesties Most Honourable Privy-Council of that kingdom; May 3. 1679. 1
DA804.1.S7 The prayer of Richard Stanley 1
DA804.1.S7 M2 1873i Memoir of Sir James Dalrymple, first viscount Stair, president of the Court of Session in Scotland and author of the "Institutions of the law of Scotland" a study in the history of Scotland and Scotch law during the seventeenth century / 1
DA804.1 .S785 The tryal of Philip Standsfield, son to Sir James Standsfield, of New-Milns; for the murder of his father, and other crimes libel'd against him. / 1
DA804.1.W3 C7 1663 The crimes and treasons of Archibald Johnston, Laird Wariston. One of the grandees of the Scotch rebels and president of the late Committee of Safety under Lambert now condemned, and to be executed at Edenburgh Wednesday July 22. 1
DA804.1 .W37 1660 By the Commander in Chief of His Majesties forces in Scotland. Whereas I have received an order from His Majesty, for the apprehending of the Lord Wariston .. 1