Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA804.6 J3 A copy of the late King James II. His letter to the Convention in Scotland. March 23, 168[⁹?] 1
DA804.6 .S36 1688 Act of Privy Council anent the shires of Dumfries, Air, &c, their out-riek. Edinburgh, the twenty fifth day of October, 1688.
Act of Privy Council, anent the punishment of those who refuse to serve in the foot-militia Edinburgh, the 25. of October, 1688.
Act of Council, anent papists. Edinburgh, the fourteenth day of December, 1688.
DA804.6 .S36 1689 A proclamation, against the owning of the late King James, and commanding publick prayers to be made for King William and Queen Mary. Edinburgh April 13. 1689. 1
DA804.6 .T78 A True relation of the horrid and bloody massacre in Scotland by the Irish papists who landed sixty miles from Edinburgh, putting all to fire and sword in their way to that city. 2
DA804.7 .D35 1695 Information for the master of Stair 1
DA804.7 .G36 Gallienus redivivus, or, Murther will out &c. being a true account of the de-witting of Glencoe, Gaffney, &c. 1
DA804.7 .H67 1986 Glencoe and the end of the Highland War / 1
DA804.7 .M23 1695 To His Grace, His Majesties High Commissioner, and the right honourable the Estates of Parliament. The humble supplication of John Mcdonald of Glencoe for himself, and in name of Alexander Mcdonald of Achatriechatan, and the poor remnent that is left of that family. 1
DA804.7 .P7 1966 Glencoe: the story of the massacre. 1
DA804.7 .P7 1966a Glencoe : the story of the massacre. 1
DA805 .D38 2003 Discovering the Scottish Revolution, 1692-1746 / 1
DA805 .D38 2003eb Discovering the Scottish Revolution, 1692-1746 / 2
DA805 .E5 1700 The humble address of the right honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to his Majesty on Munday the twelfth day of February, 1699. And his Majesties most gracious answer thereunto. 1
DA805 .F6 1698 Form and overture for an additional act, anent registrating summonds, and instruments of interruption. 1
DA805 .H3 An health to Caledonia, to the tune of Marin's trumpet air. 1
DA805 (INTERNET) The original papers and letters, relating to the Scots Company, trading to Africa and the Indies from the memorial given in against their taking subscriptions at Hamburgh, by Paul Ricaut, His Majesty's resident there, to their last address sent up to His Majesty in December, 1699 : faithfully extracted from the Companies books. 1
DA805 .L32 The golden island, or, The Darian song in commendation of all concerned in that noble enterprize of the valiant Scots / 2
DA805 .M3 1700 The speech of Patrick Earl of Marchmont, &c., Lord High Chancellor to the Parliament of Scotland on Tuesday 29 October 1700. 1
DA805 .M37 The speech of Patrick Earl of Marchmont, &c., Lord High Chancellor to the Parliament of Scotland on Tuesday 21 May 1700.
The speech of Patrick Earl of March-mount, &c., His Majesties High Commissioner to the Parliament of Scotland, on Tuesday the nineteenth of July, 1698. The speech of James Viscount of Seafield, Principal Secretary of State, and president to the Parliament of Scotland, on Tuesday the nineteenth of July 1698.
The speech of Patrick Earl of Marchmont, His Majesties High Commissioner to the Parliament, at the conclusion of the session, the first of September 1698
DA805.N48 1699 By His Excellency Richard Earl of Bellomont, captain general and governour in chief of His Majesties province of New-York ... A proclamation whereas His Most Excellent Majesty hath received advice, that several ships of force, fitted out of Scotland, were designed to settle themselves in some parts of America; and lest the same should derogate from the treaties His Majesty hath entered into with the crown of Spain .. 1