Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA805 .H3 An health to Caledonia, to the tune of Marin's trumpet air. 1
DA805 (INTERNET) The original papers and letters, relating to the Scots Company, trading to Africa and the Indies from the memorial given in against their taking subscriptions at Hamburgh, by Paul Ricaut, His Majesty's resident there, to their last address sent up to His Majesty in December, 1699 : faithfully extracted from the Companies books. 1
DA805 .L32 The golden island, or, The Darian song in commendation of all concerned in that noble enterprize of the valiant Scots / 2
DA805 .M3 1700 The speech of Patrick Earl of Marchmont, &c., Lord High Chancellor to the Parliament of Scotland on Tuesday 29 October 1700. 1
DA805 .M37 The speech of Patrick Earl of Marchmont, &c., Lord High Chancellor to the Parliament of Scotland on Tuesday 21 May 1700.
The speech of Patrick Earl of March-mount, &c., His Majesties High Commissioner to the Parliament of Scotland, on Tuesday the nineteenth of July, 1698. The speech of James Viscount of Seafield, Principal Secretary of State, and president to the Parliament of Scotland, on Tuesday the nineteenth of July 1698.
The speech of Patrick Earl of Marchmont, His Majesties High Commissioner to the Parliament, at the conclusion of the session, the first of September 1698
DA805.N48 1699 By His Excellency Richard Earl of Bellomont, captain general and governour in chief of His Majesties province of New-York ... A proclamation whereas His Most Excellent Majesty hath received advice, that several ships of force, fitted out of Scotland, were designed to settle themselves in some parts of America; and lest the same should derogate from the treaties His Majesty hath entered into with the crown of Spain .. 1
DA805 .P4 Petition for the neighbourhood and leidges in Edinburgh, Cannongate, and suburbs, &c. against the brewers in and about the good town. 1
DA805 .P42 1700x The People of Scotland's groans and lamentable complaints, pour'd out before the High Court of Parliament. 1
DA805 .P46 1700 The tragedy of Gray-Beard or The brandybotle of Kinkegolaw: With an answer to Mr. Guild's vindication of the brandy-bottle of Kinkegolaw, which is not here mentioned. Being the tragedy of the Duke de Alva, alias Gray-beard, or The complaint of the brandy bottle, lost by a poor carriour by falling from the handle, and found by a company of the Presbitery of Peebles near to Kinkegolaw, as they returned from Glasgow, immediately after they had taken the Test. 1
DA805 .P75 1695 Proposals for a fond [sic] to cary on a plantation May 22. one thousand six hundred and ninty five. 1
DA805 .S26 A proclamation for a solemne national fast
Proclamation for bringing in the accompts resting by the forces to the countrey
DA805 .S36 Instructions from the Lords of their Majesties Privy Council to the commissioners of supply within the several shires of this kingdom anent the new leveys and other orders of Council.
Address to His Majesty,
Instructions from the Lords of their Majesties Privy Council to the commissioners of supply within the several shires of this kingdom anent the new leveys and other orders of Council ..
DA805 .S36 1690 Act discharging persons to go to Ireland without passes. September 26, 1690. 1
DA805 .S36 1693 Act in favours of the synod of Lothian and Tweddale at Edinburgh the fifth day of April one thousand six hundred and ninty three years. Anent the petition given into the Lords of their Majesties Privy Council, by Mr. William Veatch moderator of the synod of Lothian and Tweddale ..
A proclamation, ordering the payment of provisions for the forces, and redressing abuses committed by them.
Act for levying of sea-men Edinburgh, the fourth day of May 1693.
DA805 .S37 A proclamation for apprehending Captains Gavine Hamilton, Kenneth Mackenzie & Kenneth Urquhart. 1
DA805 .S371 A proclamation for adjourning the Parliament from the first day of March next, to the eighteenth day of the said month 2
DA805 .S4 1697 Commission of Justiciary for securing the peace of the Highlands 1
DA805 .S53 The Sighs and groans of a sinking kingdom in an humble address to the Parliament of Scotland. 2
DA805 .V57 1693 The Viscount of Tarbat being cited incidenter in the action betwixt Alexander Monro, and the clerks of the session; does humbly offer what followes to be considered by the Right Honourable Commission of Parliament 1
DA805 .W4 Overtures for promoting the trade of this nation: 1