Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA938 .P74 2016 The Princeton history of modern Ireland / 1
DA938 .P75 1985 One island, two nations? : a political geographical analysis of the national conflict in Ireland / 1
DA938 .P76 2014 The Proclamations of Ireland 1660-1820 / 1
DA938 .R43 2000 Rebellion and remembrance in modern Ireland / 1
DA938 .R43 2001 Rebellion and remembrance in modern Ireland / 1
DA938 .R63 2001 Champagne and silver buckles : the viceregal court at Dublin Castle 1700-1922 / 1
DA938 .T35 2001 Ireland's holy wars : the struggle for a nation's soul, 1500-2000 / 1
DA938 .T86 1888i Two centuries of Irish history, 1691-1870 1
DA938 .T86 2014 Two centuries of Irish history 1691-1870 / 1
DA938 .W29 2000 Past and present : history, identity and politics in Ireland / 1
DA938 .W35 2000 Past and present : history, identity, and politics in Ireland / 1
DA938 .W38 2018eb Popular protest and policing in ascendancy Ireland, 1691-1761 / 1
DA940 Some observations in favour of the Protestant purchasers, most humbly offered to the consideration of the Honourable House of Commons
Making empire : Ireland, imperialism, and the early modern world /
To His Excellency Henry, Lord Viscount Sidney, Lord Lieutenant General, and General Governour of Ireland the humble address of the knights, citizens, and burgesses in Parliament assembled.
By the Lord Lieutenant and Council Ormonde, whereas the commissioners appointed to put in execution the matters of the Act intituled, An Act for the explaining of some doubts arising upon an Act, intituled, An Act for the better execution of His Majesties gracious declaration for the settlement of His kingdom of Ireland, &c. and the said former Act, ..
DA940 .A3 1691 Abstract of rents rec'd the 16th of Nov[em]ber 1691. 1
DA940 .A4 1695 Alterations in Ireland May 1695 1
DA940 .B34 1909i Ireland under the Stuarts and during the interregnum 1
DA940 .B37 2004 The kingdom of Ireland, 1641-1760 / 1
DA940 .B37 2008 Improving Ireland? : projectors, prophets and profiteers, 1641-1786 / 1
DA940 .C26 2001 Making Ireland British, 1580-1650 / 2
DA940 .C32 1819i Vindiciæ Hibernicæ, or, Ireland vindicated an attempt to develop and expose a few of the multifarious errors and falsehoods respecting Ireland : in the histories of May, Temple, Whitelock, Borlase, Rushworth, Clarendon, Cox, Carte, Leland, Warner, Macauley, Hume, and others : particularly in the legendary tales of the conspiracy and pretended massacre of 1641 / 1