Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA940 .W38 2018 Popular protest and policing in ascendancy Ireland, 1691-1761 / 1
DA940.3 .B37 2004 Irish Protestant ascents and descents, 1641-1770 / 1
DA940.3.B76 A3 2019 Anglo-Irish politics, 1680-1728 : the correspondence of the Brodrick family of Surrey and County Cork / 1
DA940.3 .C85 2022 Culture, contention and identity in seventeenth-century Ireland : Antonius Bruodinus' Anatomical Examination of Thomas Carve's Apologetic Handbook / 1
DA940.3 .D37 2001 Wild geese and travelling scholars / 1
DA940.3.E8 J66 Oratio funebris habita in aula Collegii S.S. & individuae Trinitatis, coram academia, judicibus & clero inter celebrandas exequias insignissimi viri Mauritii Eustace equitis aurati, Hiberniae cancellarii ejusdemque olim regni justitiarii, 5 Julii 1665. 2
DA940.3 .M25 1979 Irish life in the seventeenth century / 1
DA940.5.A58 To the Right Honourable the Lords assembled in Parliament the humble petition of Archibald Stewart and John Traylemam [sic], obligees for Randall Lord Marquess of Antrim, and Sir Thomas Soames, Thomas Carelton, John Lawrence, Henry Thompson, Edward Basse, and about sixty other persons, creditors of the said Lord Marquess, citizens of London. 1
DA940.5.A58 O34 1993 Civil war and restoration in the three Stuart kingdoms : the career of Randal MacDonnell, marquis of Antrim, 1609-1683 / 1
DA940.5.B45 O88 2000 John Bellew : a seventeenth-century man of many parts / 1
DA940.5.C49 M37 1998 Sir Arthur Chichester, Lord Deputy of Ireland, 1605-1616 / 1
DA940.5.C66 H39 2010 Faith and patronage : the political career of Flaithrí Ó Maolchonaire, c. 1560-1629 / 1
DA940.5.C7 C36 1982 The upstart earl : a study of the social and mental world of Richard Boyle, first Earl of Cork, 1566-1643 /
The Upstart Earl : a Study of the Social and Mental World of Richard Boyle, First Earl of Cork, 1566-1643 /
DA940.5.C7 T7 The life and letters of the great Earl of Cork / 1
DA940.5.F48 W45 The Wild-Irish captain, or Villany display'd
The Wild-Irish captain, or Villany display'd being the exploits and memoirs of that famous boglander the pretended marshal of the Kings-Bench David Fitzgerald /
DA940.5.J46 N65 2021 The Jacobite duchess : Frances Jennings, Duchess of Tyrconnell, c.1649-1731 / 2
DA940.5.K4 C86 2000 The world of Geoffrey Keating : history, myth and religion in seventeenth-century Ireland / 1
DA940.5.M75 A chronological table of pedigree and lineall descent down from Adam of the right honourable Justin Lord Viscount Mountcashell Ld., Barron of Castle Hinchy, Lievt. Generall of his Majesties, Army Lord Lievt. of the county of Corke, Governour of the province of Munster, Master Generall of the Ordinance, and one of his Majesties most Honoble. Privy Councell. 1
DA940.5.O4 D84 2000 The Dukes of Ormonde, 1610-1745 / 1
DA940.5.O5 C37 1984 Owen Roe O'Neill and the struggle for Catholic Ireland / 1