Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DA944.7 .C69 | Aphorisms relating to the Kingdom of Ireland humbly submitted to the most noble assembly of Lords & Commons at the great convention at Westminster. | 2 |
DA944.7 .H37 | The case of Katherine Harris a Protestant sufferer; whose husband was barbarously murdered the 26th of March, 1687. by the Earl of Clincarty .. | 2 |
DA944.7 .I66 | A true representation to the King and people of England how matters were carried on all along in Ireland by the late King James in favor of the Irish papists there from his accession to the crown, to the tenth of April, 1689 / | 2 |
DA944.7 .I74 1687 | By the Lord Deputy and Council. Whereas we are informed that several disaffected persons ithin this has Majesties kingdom, have been of late very industrious by false reports and malicious insinuatons .. | 1 |
DA944.7 (INTERNET) | The state of the Protestants of Ireland under the late King James's government in which their carriage towards him is justified, and the absolute necessity of their endeavouring to be freed from his government, and of submitting to their present Majesties is demonstrated. | 1 |
DA944.7 .L47 |
A letter from a gentleman in Ireland to his friend in London upon occasion of a pamphlet entituled a vindication of the present government of Ireland under His Excellency Richard Earl of Tyrconnel. A List of all the Irish army in Ireland under the late King James with other important affairs relating to that Kingdom. |
4 |
DA944.7 .O35 2002 | Ireland and the Jacobite cause, 1685-1766 : a fatal attachment / | 1 |
DA945 |
Full and true account of the several skirmishes and blooddy [sic] battles which hath happened in Kingsale, Cork, and Dublin, since the landing of the French forces in Ireland : more particularly, what happened at Charlemont, since the siege thereof, and of the condition, and number of K. James's Army : with an impartial relation of the hanging of several considerable Protestants at Galloway in the same kingdom. The Williamite Wars in Ireland. A particular account of the late great engagement in the north of Ireland, with the total defeat of the Irish, after the killing 6000 of the Irish on the place, and taking their baggage and ammunition, and the Scotch and English remaining masters ofthe field. The state of the case of several of the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Ireland, who furnish'd the army, in the late war, with provisions, and other necessaries, and whose debts are adjusted by commissioners appointed for that purpose under the Great Seal of England, and which remain unpaid By Lieutenant General Ginkell, Commander in Chief of Their Majesties Forces to all officers civil and military, and all other Their Majesties subjects, greeting : vvhereas I have taken into their Majesties protection. Great news from Chester, of the seizing of a ship and men that were sent from the late King James with an account of the state of affairs in the north of Ireland. [A] full and true account of the late horrid and most barbarous massacre of the Right Reverend the Bishop, and the Reverend the Dean of Waterford together with the bishop's servant, who were all at one time most inhumanly and barbarously murthered by the French and Irish Papist's : sent in a letter to a person of quality, bearing Waterford, July the 15th. |
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DA945 1689 | His Grace the Duke of Schomberge's character, according to the ignorant notions that the Irish papists in Ireland, have form'd of him, together with some old prophesies, foretelling the conquest of that kingdom, by the Protestant army, under His Grace's command. | 1 |
DA945 .A2 | An Account of a late horrid and bloody massacre in Ireland of several thousands of Protestants, procur'd and carry'd on by the by the L. Tyrconnel and his adherents which occasioned the English under the conduct of the Lords Grenard, Mountjoy, &c. to seize and secure the said Tyrconnel in the Castle of Dublin, in order to be sent for England. | 1 |
DA945 .A2 1691 | An account of the defeat of the rebels by their Majesties forces in Queens-County in Ireland, May 4. 1691. | 1 |
DA945 .A23 1691 | An account of the taking Athlone. In a letter from a gentleman there, to his friend in London, dated July 5th, 1691. Licens'd, July 17, 1691. Camp at Athlone, July the 5th, 1691. | 1 |
DA945.A23 1691 | An account of the taking of the Fort of Ballymore, within 10 miles of Athlone, on Monday the eighth of June 1691 / | 1 |
DA945 .A25 |
An Account of the victory obtained by the King in Ireland, on the first day of this instant July, 1690. An account of the taking of Slego. And of the farther advices that are come from the camp before Limerick. An account of the victory obtained by the King in Ireland, on the first day of this instant July, 1690 |
3 |
DA945 .A25 1690 | An account of K. Williams royal-march towards the city of Dublin. And of his gaining of a great pass between Newry and Dundalk. As also of King James's, D. of Berwick's, and Tyrconnel's running from , and quitting of that place. With a particular relation of the late King's bleeding at the nose; and the great confusion that the French and Irish were at, thereupon. In a letter from Chester, June the 30th. 1690. | 1 |
DA945 .A25 1691 |
An account of the surrender of Lymerick, and the defeating of Sarsefield's army killing many, and taking six hundred prisoners. In a letter from the camp, dated the 25th Vlt. Licensed, Octob. the 5th. 1691. An account of the taking by storme, the famous fort or cittadel of Gallaway, on Monday th 20th of July, 1691. By their Majesties forces, under the command of Lieutenant General Ginckle. Licens'd July 27th. 1691. James Fraiser. |
2 |
DA945 .A3 1688 | The affaires of Ireland [---] in a bad posture ... | 1 |
DA945 .A3 1689 | An account of the town and castle of Charlemont in Ireland, besieg'd by a detached body of the Duke of Schombergs army under the command of Lieutenant General Douglas. | 1 |
DA945 .A32 | An Account of the great defeat that Major General Kirk gave the Irish forces near Charlemont under the command of the Lord Strabane and Colonel Gordon O-Neal likewise the transactions of the late King James in Ireland since the arrival of His Grace the Duke de Schomberg. | 2 |
DA945 .A33 1691 | An account of the taking of the fort of Ballymore, within ten miles of Athlone, on Monday the 8th day of June, 1691 | 1 |