Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA945 .M34 1997 The siege of Derry in Ulster Protestant mythology / 1
DA945 .M36 2018 St Ruth's fatal gamble : the battle of Aughrim 1691 and the fall of Jacobite Ireland / 1
DA945 M45 1690 A letter from B. General Meloniere, to a reverend divine in the Savoy, dated August the 12th. 1690, from His Majesties camp before Lymerick giving a particular relation of the taking the grand pass over the Shannon, His Majesties fording the river in person, the taking of the enemies outworks, beating them from their trenches and intrenchments, the Kings secretary summoning the town, with other matterial occurrences. 1
DA945 .M85 1691 A journal of the three months royal campaign of His Majesty in Ireland together, with a true and perfect diary of the siege of Lymerick / 1
DA945 .N32 Some remarks on Mr. Bois book in defence of Osborn and upon some passages in Mr. Williams sermon on the 23d of October last, sent in a letter to satisfie his friend, a dissenter in the country / 2
DA945 .N49 1690 A new express from Ireland: giving a full account of the third victory obtained by King VVilliam and Prince VVittemberg in the storming of Limmerick: with an account of the killing five thousand on the spot. 1
DA945 .N52 1690 Great news from Dublin giving a true and full account of the present posture of the late King James's affairs in Ireland : as also, a remarkable account of a bloody fight, maintained by a lady at her own house against the rebels : with a relation of the taking of a ship and a thousand arms as they were going to the rebels in Scotland : together with several other important matters relating to Ireland : in a letter from Chester, dated May 12. 1
DA945 .N53 A journal of the most remarkable occurrences that happened between His Majesties army and the forces under the command of Mareschal de Schomberg in Ireland from the twelfth of August to the 23th of October, 1689 1
DA945 .O27 Observations upon Mr Walkers account of the Siege of London-derry with some remarks on the great and memorable actions there done. 2
DA945 .O33 The history of the wars in Ireland between Their Majesties army and the forces of the late King James giving an impartial relation of all the battels, sieges, rencounters, skirmishes and other material passages, revolutions, and accidents, from the beginning of December 1688 ... to the middle of August, 1690 ... / 2
DA945 .O73 1690 An order of the right honourable the commissioners for the management of the several forfeited estates, goods, and chattels of the rebels of Ireland 1
DA945 .P3 A particular journal of Major-Gen. Kirk's voyage from Leverpoole, to his safe arrival at London-Derry. 1
DA945 .P3 1689 A particular account of the late great engagement in the North of Ireland, with the total defeat of the Irish, and after the killing 6000 of the Irish on the place, the taking their baggage and ammunition, and the Scots and English remaining masters of the fields. 1
DA945 .P37 1689 A particular account of the late great engagement in the North of Ireland With the total defeat of the Irish, and after the killing 6000 of the Irish on the place, the taking their baggage and ammunition, and the Scotch and English remaining masters of the field.
[A particular account of the late] great engagement in the North of Ireland with the total defeat of the Irish, and after the killing 6000 of the Irish on the place, the taking their baggage and ammunition, and the Scotch and English remaining masters of the field.
DA945 .P37 1691 A particular relation of the great victory obtained by Their Majesties forces over the Irish army at Aghrim in Ireland, on the 12th of July, 1691 1
DA945 .P53 An account of K. Williams royal heading of the men of Inniskillin and of his victorious march from Dublin to Athlone, with the late K. James's taking, &c. 2
DA945 .P66 The Popish champion, or, A compleat history of the life and military actions of Richard Earl of Tyrconnel, generalissimo of all the Irish forces now in arms wherein you have a true account of his birth and education, his advancement and honours, his treacherous disarming the Protestants ... : together with a relation of all the skirmishes, battels, sieges, and remarkable transactions which have happened under his government, with the particulars of the late bloody fight in the north ... : as also a brief description of the Kingdom of Ireland ... the means how it came to be a conquer'd kingdom, with the sundry rebellions made by the natives against the Crown of England, and by what means reduced /
The Popish champion, or, A compleat history of the life and military actions of Richard Earl of Tyrconnel, generalissimo of all the Irish forces now in arms wherein you have a true account of his birth and education, his advancement and honours, his treacherous disarming the Protestants ... : together with a relation of all the skirmishes, battels, sieges, and remarkable transactions which have happened under his government, with the particulars of the late bloody fight in the north ... : as also a brief description of the Kingdom of Ireland ... the means how it came to be a conquer'd kingdom, with the sundry rebellions made by the natives against the Crown of England, and by what means reduced /
DA945 .P7 The present state of affairs in Ireland being a full and distinct relation of the condition of the Irish army; : of the miscarriages of the French officers; : and of several other remarkable things relating to Dublin. : In a letter from Chester, of February 5. from some persons lately arrived from Ireland.
The Present dangerous condition of the Protestants in Ireland; with a new order of Tyrconil's: in a letter from Dublin, February 19. 168⁸/₉
DA945 .R4 1691 A relation of their Majesties forces passing the Shannon, near Limerick, and defeating four of the enemies regiments of dragoons: with the precipitate retreat of their whole camp. Published by authority, Whitehall, Septemb. 24, 1691. 1
DA945 .R43 Reasons for His Majesties issuing a general pardon to the rebels of Ireland that will submit without exemption of the considerable and influencing men among them : answer to the late declaration fram'd by the English nobility and gentry of Ireland.
Reflections on a paper pretending to be an apology for the failures charged on Mr. Walker's account of the siege of London-Derry