Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA950 .M18 Ireland. 1
DA950 .M18 1977 Ireland : the Union and its aftermath / 1
DA950 .M184 1983 States of mind : a study of Anglo-Irish conflict, 1780-1980 / 2
DA950 .M19 2001 Reimagining the nation-state : the contested terrains of nation-building / 1
DA950 .M19 2001eb Reimagining the nation-state : the contested terrains of nation-building / 1
DA950 .M2 The Irish administration, 1801-1914 / 1
DA950 .M23 The Irish administration, 1801-1914 / 1
DA950 .M25 1979 Ireland in the nineteenth century a breviate of official publications /
Ireland in the nineteenth century : a breviate of official publications /
DA950 .M258 2012 Alter-nations : nationalisms, terror, and the state in nineteenth-century Britain and Ireland / 2
DA950 .M32 Ireland and the Irish question / 1
DA950 .M327 1995 The Irish question : two centuries of conflict / 3
DA950 .M33 1887i Ireland since the union sketches of Irish history from 1798 to 1886 / 1
DA950 .M4 2002 Loyalism and labour in Belfast : the autobiography of Robert McElborough, 1884-1952 / 1
DA950 .M47 1979 John Stuart Mill on Ireland / 2
DA950 .M54 2005 The last conquest of Ireland (perhaps) / 1
DA950 .M67 2013eb Home rule and the Irish question / 1
DA950 .M7 1982 Mr. Gregory's letter-box, 1813-1835 / 1
DA950 .M873 2003 Ireland : a social, cultural and literary history, 1791-1891 / 1
DA950 .M8734 Memories and thoughts of a life 1
DA950 .M94 2001 Abject loyalty : nationalism and monarchy in Ireland during the reign of Queen Victoria / 1