Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA964.A2 W95 2006 Ireland and the Cold War : diplomacy and recognition, 1949-63 / 1
DA964.A74 K46 2022 Ireland and Argentina in the twentieth century : diaspora, diplomacy, dictatorship, Catholic mission and the Falklands crisis / 1
DA964.E85 The evolving role of national parliaments in the European Union : Ireland as a case study / 1
DA964.E85 F57 2000 Protectionism to liberalisation : Ireland and the EEC, 1957 to 1966 / 1
DA964.E85 F589 2017 Protectionism to Liberalisation: Ireland and the EEC, 1957 to 1966 : Ireland and the EEC, 1957 to 1966 / 1
DA964.F8 F735 2009 Franco-Irish connections : essays, memoirs, and poems in honour of Pierre Joannon / 1
DA964.F8 F737 2012 Franco-Irish connections in space and time : peregrinations and ruminations / 1
DA964.F8 L96 2003 Franco-Irish relations, 1500-1610 : politics, migration, and trade / 1
DA964.F8 L96 20033b Franco-Irish Relations, 1500-1610 : Politics, Migration and Trade / 1
DA964.G3 D84 2003 Herr Hempel at the German legation in Dublin, 1937-1945 / 1
DA964.G3 M65 1999 Germany and Ireland, 1945-1955 : two nations' friendship / 1
DA964.G7 From partition to Brexit : the Irish government and Northern Ireland /
Brexit for dummies /
DA964.G7 G74 Report of the Irish Boundary Commission, 1925 / 1
DA964.G7 H36 2018 The impact of the Troubles on the Republic of Ireland, 1968-79 : boiling volcano? /
The impact of the Troubles on the Republic of Ireland, 1968--79 : boiling volcano? /
DA964.G7 I74 2021 Ireland and the European Union : economic, political and social crises / 1
DA964.G7 N66 2014 The IRA in Britain, 1919-1923 : 'in the heart of enemy lines' / 1
DA964.G7 O34 2019 From partition to Brexit : the Irish government and Northern Ireland / 1
DA964.G7 O44 2023 Ireland and empire in the late nineteenth century / 1
DA964.G7 S64 2020 Inside accounts / 1
DA964.G7 U55 2001 The Union : essays on Ireland and the British connection / 1