Geschichte von Böhmen. |
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DB2129 J82 1861
Das Königthum Georg's von Poděbrad : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Entwickelung des Staates gegenüber der katholischen Kirche, zumeist nach bisher unbekannten und in Auswahl mitgetheilten Urkunden / |
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DB2136 .B4613 1917i
Bohemia's case for independence |
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DB2136 .B65 1915i
Bohemia under Hapsburg misrule a study of the ideals and aspirations of the Bohemian and Slovak peoples, as they relate to and are affected by the great European war / |
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The most illustrious Prince Fredericke, by the grace of God King of Bohemia, Count Palatine of the Rhine, Prince Elector Duke of Bauaria, Marquis of Morauia, Duke of Silesia, Marquis of Lusatia, &c. And of the high and mighty Princesse Elizabeth his Queene. |
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DB2138.7 .U584 2005
Untertanen, Herrschaft und Staat in Böhmen und im "Alten Reich" : sozialgeschichtliche Studien zur Frühen Neuzeit / |
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DB2147 .E24 1985
Monarchie und Widerstand : zur ständischen Oppositionsbildung im Herrschaftssystem Ferdinands I. in Böhmen / |
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A true relation written from Midelbourg the seaventh of Aprill, stilo novo 1622. in the French tongue. and now translated and published, to giue you notice of the affaires of Sluce: the King of Bohemia: the Palatinate; and Count Mansfeild. |
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DB2161.F74 B55 2004
Nicht gegen Ehre und Gewissen : Friedrich V., Kurfürst von der Pfalz - der Winterkönig von Böhmen (1596-1632) / |
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DB2161.F74 P87 2003
The winter king : Frederick V of the Palatinate and the coming of the Thirty Years' War / |
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DB2161.F74 P87 2016
The winter king : Frederick V of the Palatinate and the coming of the Thirty Years' War / |
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DB2161.F74 W56 2003
Der Winterkönig, Friedrich von der Pfalz : Bayern und Europa im Zeitalter des Dreissigjährigen Krieges / |
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A short relation of the departure of the high and mightie Prince Frederick King Elect of Bohemia, with his royall & vertuous Ladie Elizabeth, and the thryse hopefull yong Prince Henrie, from Heydelberg towards Prague, to receiue the crowne of that kingdome Whearvnto is annexed the solempnitie or maner of the coronation. Translated out of dutch. And now both togither published ... to giue satisfaction to the world, as touching the ground, and truth, of his Maties. proceedings, & vndertaking of that kingdome ... As also to encourage all other noble & heroicall spirits (especiallie our owne nation, whom in hônour it first and chieffelie concerneth) by prerogative of that high, and soveraigne title, hæreditarie to our kings & princes : defendees [sic] of the faith) to the lyke Christian resolution, against Antichrist and his adhærents. |
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Bílá hora / |
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DB2166 .K47 1932i
Bohemia in the eighteenth century a study in political, economic, and social history, with special reference to the reign of Leopold II, 1790-1792 / |
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DB2167 .H36 1982
Böhmen und die böhmischen Stände in der Zeit des beginnenden Zentralismus : eine Strukturanalyse der böhmischen Adelsnation um die Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts / |
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DB2168 .A34 1993
Origins of the Czech national renascence / |
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DB2171.V38 K834 2018
Odkaz Rychtáře Vaváka : Příspěvky K životopisu Velkého Písmáka. |
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DB2175 .K34 1982
Boj o Československo / |
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DB2176 .D38 2010
Realism, tolerance, and liberalism in the Czech National Awakening : legacies of the Bohemian reformation / |
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