Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DB62 .B75 1664 | A Brief chronicle of the Turkish War, from July to January, 1664 | 1 |
DB62 .F84 1687 | A full and true relation of the glorious victory of the Christians over the Turks | 2 |
DB62 .H57 1664 | The history of the Turkish wars in Hungary, Transylvania, Austria, Silesia, and other provinces of the German Empire from the first invasion of Amurath the Second, anno 1432, to this present year 1664 : to which is prefixed a short discourse of the state and government of the said provinces. | 1 |
DB62 .M43 |
The Great Turks declaration of war against the emperour of Germany, at his pallace at Adrinople [sic], February 20, 1683 A declaration or denouncing of war vvhich Sultan-Mahomet, the present emperor of the Turks, sent to the emperor of Germany, dated March 25th 1683, from Adrianople ... / |
2 |
DB62 .M67 | A More particular relation of the victory obtained by the imperialists under the command of Prince Lewis of Baden, in the battel against the Turks, under the command of the Grand Visier, on Aug. 19, 1691 | 2 |
DB62 .P37 1995 | Habsburgs and Ottomans between Vienna and Belgrade (1683-1739) / | 1 |
DB62 .P47 1687 |
A full and perfect account of the particulars of the terrible and bloody fight which the Christian army have obtain'd over the whole Turkish forces near the bridge of Esseck with a particular of what plunder they have seiz'd and taken / A full and perfect account of the particulars of the terrible and bloody fight, which the Christian armies have obtained over the whole Turkish forces near the bridge of Esseck. With a particular of what plunder they have seiz'd and taken / |
3 |
DB62 .P47 1689 | A full and true account of a great and signal victory gain'd by the imperialists over the Turks dated from Vienna the 8th of September. | 1 |
DB62 .P63 1687 | A Poem on the late happy victory over the Turks | 2 |
DB62 .T7 1685 | A true and exact relation of the taking of Newhassell by storm. Together with the defeat of the Serasquier Bassa before Grann, by the Duke of Lorrain, as it was brought from Vienna by the Sieur Martell to the governour of the Spanish Netherlands. | 1 |
DB63 1683 .T78 | A true account of the actions with the whole defeat of the Turkish Army at Vienna | 1 |
DB63 1688 T78 | A True relation or journal of the siege and taking by storm of the famous city of Belgrade by the Christian army under the conduct of the victorious elector of Bavaria, on the 6th day of September, 1688 with an account of its scituation, fortifications, &c., and also of the great victory gained by Prince Lovis of Baden over the Turkish army, commanded by the Bassa of Bosnia. | 1 |
DB63 1699 .T74 2020eb | The treaties of Carlowitz (1699) : antecedents, course and consequences / | 1 |
DB63 1718 .P37 2011eb | The peace of Passarowitz, 1718 / | 2 |
DB63 .P53 1691 | The plan of the march of the armys and the ground on which the battle was fought in Hungary ye. 19 of August 1691. | 1 |
DB65 .E9 | The making of the Habsburg monarchy, 1550-1700 : an interpretation / | 1 |
DB65 .H63 2003 | Austria's wars of emergence : war, state and society in the Habsburg monarchy, 1683-1797 / | 1 |
DB65 .H63 2013 | Austria's wars of emergence : war, state and society in the Habsburg monarch, 1683-1797 / | 1 |
DB65 .K36 | A history of the Habsburg Empire, 1526-1918 / | 1 |
DB65 .K36 1974 |