Call Number (LC) Title Results
DC110 .B73 The first Bourbon century in France / 1
DC110 .C57 1965 A history of modern France. 1
DC110 .C575 1995 The state in early modern France / 1
DC110 .C575 1995eb The state in early modern France / 1
DC110 .C575 2009 The state in early modern France / 1
DC110 .C6 The story of modern France, 1610-1914 : frontier of liberty / 1
DC110 .C655 2015 Penser l'après Louis XIV : histoire, mémoire, représentation (1715-2015) / 1
DC110 .D45 2018 The Queen's embroiderer : a true story of Paris, lovers, swindlers, and the first stock market crisis / 1
DC110 .F668 2023 Modern France and the world / 1
DC110 .G67 Epitaph for kings. 1
DC110 .G7 The French monarchy (1483-1789) 1
DC110 .G7 1900i The French monarchy (1483-1789) 1
DC110 .G8 The life and death of an ideal : France in the classical age / 1
DC110 .K64 2001 The rise and fall of Renaissance France, 1483-1610 / 1
DC110 .M4 1966 L'ancien régime. 1
DC110 .M43 L'Ancien Régime en France : XVIe-XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles / 1
DC110 .P67 2020 A history of modern France / 2
DC110 .S25 1992 Les dynasties brisées, ou, Le tragique destin des sept derniers héritiers du trône de France / 1
DC110 .S34 2011 Modern France : a very short introduction / 1
DC110 .S76 2015 Transnational France : the modern history of a universal nation / 1