Call Number (LC) Title Results
DC119.8 .E82 1995 Discours merveilleux de la vie, actions et deportements de Catherine de Médicis, royne-mère / 1
DC119.8 .F74 2003 Catherine de Medici : Renaissance queen of France / 1
DC119.8 .G45 2014 Une reine épistolaire : lettres et pouvoir au temps de Catherine de Médicis / 1
DC119.8 .G65 2015 The rival queens : Catherine de' Medici, her daughter Marguerite de Valois, and the betrayal that ignited a kingdom / 1
DC119.8 .H443 1963 Catherine de Medici / 1
DC119.8 .H443 1963a Catherine de Medici / 1
DC119.8 .K54 2014 Catherine de' Medici / 1
DC119.8 .K64 1998 Catherine De' Medici / 1
DC119.8 .M27 Madame Catherine / 3
DC119.8 .R6 Catherine de' Medici and the lost revolution. 1
DC119.8 .S3 1986 La strega e il capitano / 1
DC119.8 .S36 1587 A letter written by a French gentleman to a friend of his at Rome conteyning a true report of the late treaty betweene the Queene Mother of France and King of Nauarre / 1
DC119.8 .S56 Catherine de' Medici and the French Reformation / 1
DC119.8 .S57 The later years of Catherine de' Medici / 1
DC119.8 .S75 Women of power : the life and times of Catherine dé Medici / 2
DC119.8 .V3 Catherine de Médicis / 1
DC119.8 .W25 Biography of a family : Catherine de Medici and her children. 1
DC119.8 .W3 1935 The life and times of Catherine de' Medici / 1
DC120 .B35 Radical reactionaries : the political thought of the French catholic league / 1
DC120 .B73 A breefe description of the battailes, victories and triumphes, atchiued by the D. of Parma, and the Spanish armye. Sent by the king of Spayne, vnder his conduct to the succour of the rebellious leaguers of France. / 1