Call Number (LC) Title Results
DC118 .J6813 2013 The Saint Bartholomew's Day massacre : the mysteries of a crime of state (24 August 1572) / 1
DC118.J683 2013 The Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre : the Mysteries of a Crime of State. 1
DC118 .K56 1988 Myths about the St. Bartholomew's Day massacres, 1572-1576 / 1
DC118 .M37 The Massacre of St. Bartholomew : reappraisals and documents / 1
DC118 .S25 1887 La Saint-Barthélemy (1570-1574) : extraits de Bordenave, des lettres de Jeanne d'Albret, des mémoires de Marguerite de Valois, des economie royales, de Brantôme, de Tavannes, du duc de Bouillon, etc. / 1
DC118 .S36 2011 La Saint-Barthélemy n'aura pas lieu / 1
DC118 .S43 A Seasonble [sic] warning to Protestants from the cruelty and treachery of the Parisian massacre, August the 24th, 1572 wherein the snares laid for the innocent are detected and posterity cautioned not to believe : with the Pope's bull to encourage and justifie the massacre and rebellion of Ireland / 2
DC118 .T5 A true history of the Roman Catholicks designs and bloody contrivances for the subversion of the Protestant religion in England. And how by the wonderful providence of God their treasonable and bloody conspiracies and designs have been discovered and prevented. 1
DC119 .A4 1959 Lettres de Henri III, roi de France / 1
DC119 .B65 1988 Henri III : roi de France et de Pologne / 1
DC119 .B75 2003 La vie et faits notables de Henry de Valois / 1
DC119 .F85 1888 Henry III, King of France and Poland : his court and times. From numerous unpublished sources, including ms. documents in the Bibliotheque impériale, and the archives of France and Italy, etc. / 1
DC119 .G74 2007 Governing passions : peace and reform in the French kingdom, 1576-1585 / 1
DC119 .G74 2007eb Governing passions : peace and reform in the French kingdom, 1576-1585 / 1
DC119 .H27 2011 L'énigme Henri III : ce que nous révèlent les images / 1
DC119 .H36 2006 Henri III mécène : des arts, des sciences et des lettres / 1
DC119 .H87 A discourse vpon the present estate of France together with a copie of the kings letters patents, declaring his mind after his departure out of Paris : whereunto is added the copie of two letters written by the Duke of Guize / 1
DC119 (INTERNET) The edict or proclamation set forthe by the Frenche Kinge vpon the pacifying of the troubles in Fraunce, with the articles of the same pacification read and published in the presence of the sayd King, sitting in his Parlament, the xiij. day of May, 1576. /
The declaration of the Lord de la Noue, vpon his taking armes for the iust defence of the townes of Sedan and Iametz, frontiers of the realme of Fraunce, and vnder the protection of his Maiestie
Aduise giuen by a Catholike gentleman, to the nobilitie & commons of France, to ioyne together, and take armes speedily (by commandement of the King) against theeues and robbers, which are now abroade ruining the poore people setting downe an order and policie how they should take armes, to auoide all disorder and confusion amongst them : whereunto is adioyned, a declaration published by the Duke de Mont-pencier ... /
DC119 .K54 2016 Hero or tyrant? : Henry III, King of France, 1574-89 / 1
DC119 .K58 2014 Hero or tyrant? : Henry III, King of France, 1574-89 / 1