Call Number (LC) Title Results
DC127.C3 C73 2016 The Camisard uprising : war and religion in the Cévennes / 1
DC127.C3 M38 Vingt complaintes sur les prédicants des Cévennes martyrisés au XVIIIe siècle / 1
DC127.H8 C37 The Case of the poor French refugees 2
DC127 .S28 A Full and true account of the late revolution in Savoy, and of the motives and occasion of the Duke of Savoy's declaration of war against France, and for restoring all the Vaudois to their liberties and ancient privileges, who are joined with his forces against the French as also of the several defeats given to the French forces, by the Vaudois and Savoyards / 1
DC127.3 .A33 An Account of the secret services of Monsieur de Vernay, the French minister at Ratisbonne to Count Teckeley as they pass'd by way of letter, with the cypher and key taken from the original, printed in French at Ratisbonne : together with the speech and memorial of the imperial minister Zorowiski, deliver'd to the King of Poland : to which is added Mercurius panegyricus. 2
DC127.3 .A33 1683 An account of the secret services of Monsieur de Vernay, the French minister at Ratisbonne to [Count Teckeley] as they pass'd [a?] letter, with the cypher [and] key taken from the original, [pr]inted in French at Ratisbonne : together with the speech and memorial of the imperial Minister Zorowiski, deliver'd to the King of Poland : to which is added Mercurius panegyricus. 1
DC127.3 .A57 An Ansvver to the late Memorial of the Count d'Avaux, ambassadour extraordinary of France in a memorial presented to the States General by the Marquiss De Castell Moncayo, envoy extraordinary of Spain on the 3d of May (84.) at the Hague. 2
DC127.3 .A6 Louis XIV et l'Europe. 1
DC127.3 .A8 La diplomatie française et la cour de Saxe (1648-1680) / 1
DC127.3 .A8 1887 La diplomatie française et la cour de Saxe (1648-1680) / 1
DC127.3 A83 1678x Avertissement, l'allegation que l'autheur des considerations sur l'alliance de France, fait de la lettre du Roy T.C. aux estats du 18. May. 1678 ... 1
DC127.3 .A92 An exact copy of a letter from the Count d'Avaux, His Most Christian Majesties ambassador at the Hague dated the 9th of January 1684 and directed to the King his master which was intercepted by the Marquess de Grana governour of the Spanish Netherlands : as also the copies of other three letters relating to the same affair. 2
DC127.3 .B74 1671 A Brief account of the priviledges and immunities granted by the French king to the East-India Company, &c. of France for the encouraging and improving of trade and navigation : together with an extract of a declaration which the said king hath put forth for the encouragement of trade in general. 1
DC127.3 .C64 Monsieur Colbert's ghost, or, France without bounds being a particular account by what ways it has attain'd to that supream grandeur, and relating the secret intreagues of the French Kings ministers at the courts of most of the princes and states of Europe, with remarkes there upon, also some reflections on the interest of those princes. 2
DC127.3 .C66 1683 Conditions upon which the most Christian King consents, that the differences between him and the Catholick king be ended 2
DC127.3 .C7813 2002 Siam and the West, 1500-1700 / 1
DC127.3 .E38 The failure of Louis XIV's Dutch War / 2
DC127.3 .F72 A declaration of the most Christian King, shewing the reasons for recalling his plenipotentiaries from the treaty at Cologne 2
DC127.3 .F72 1649 The declaration of the most Christian King Lewis the XIV of France and Navarre to all his loving subjects concerning the cessation of the late troubles and restoring them to their former peace and tranquility ; faithfully translated out of the French copie. 2
DC127.3 .F73 Treaty made between Lewis XIV of France and the States General about the exchange and ransom of the prisoner of war together with the rates of prices of ransom from a general to a private soldier.
The late treaty made between Lewis xiv. of France, and the States General, about the exchange and ransom of the prisoner of war. Together with the rates, or prices of ransom, from a general, to a private soldier. : The same treaty is likewise in agitation, being proposed by the French king to the emperor, King William, and the rest of the Confederate Princes.
The treaty and alliance between the commissioners of the most Christian King of France and Navarre on one part, and the extraordinary ambassadors of the States General of the United-Provinces of the low-countries on the other concluded and signed at Paris the 27 April, 1662.