Call Number (LC) Title Results
DC127.3 O35 1683 An account of Monsieur De Quesne's late expedition at Chio together with the negotiation of Monsieur Guilleragues, the French ambassadour at the port / 1
DC127.3 .P47 The French intrigues discovered. With the methods and arts to retrench the potency of France by land and sea, and to confine that monarch within his antient dominions and territories. Humbly submitted to the consideration of the princes and states of Europe, especially of England. / 1
DC127.3 .P5 La diplomatie Francaise au temps de Louis XIV (1661-1715) institutions, mœurs et coutumes. 1
DC127.3 .P73 The Pretensions of the most Christian King to the dominions & territories of the most serene confederates on the one side, and on the other, the claims of the most serene confederates with exact enquiries into the rights of every one in particular /
The Present condition of France in reference to her revenues comparing them with the infinite expenges [sic] she is forc'd to be at : demonstrating thereby that it is impossible for her to support her self if the war with the confederates continues /
DC127.3 .S43 The secret intreagues of the French King's ministers at the courts of several princes for the enslaving of Europe with reflections on the interest of those princes / 2
DC127.3 .S43 1693 The secret history of the confederacy, &c. discovered in a conference between the French King and his chief officers. To which is added, articles between Luxemburgh, &c. As also expedients proposed for a peace. / 1
DC127.3 .S46 2008 La France, le nord et l'Europe au début du XVIIIe siècle / 1
DC127.3 .T66 L'Europe et les Bourbons sous Louis XIV : affaires de Rome, une élection en Pologne, conférences de Gertruydenberg, paix d'Utrecht / 1
DC127.3 .T78 A True and authentick copy of the most horrid and stupendious oath, whereby the French king confirmed his alliance with the Turks 1
DC127.6 .B45 2012 Financer la guerre au XVIIe siècle : la dette publique et les rentiers de l'absolutisme / 1
DC127.6 .C46 2010 Le roi stratège : Louis XIV et la direction de la guerre, 1661-1715 / 1
DC127.6 .C54 2019 The armies and wars of the Sun King 1643-1715 / 1
DC127.6 .D47 2017 Les dernières guerres de Louis XIV : 1688-1715 / 1
DC127.6 .D74 2005 L'impôt du sang : le métier des armes sous Louis XIV / 1
DC127.6 .G535 2006 Hiérarchies sociales et ennoblissement : les commissaires des guerres de la maison du roi, 1691-1790 / 1
DC127.6 .G56 2004 Scottish soldiers in France in the reign of the Sun King : nursery for men of honour / 1
DC127.6 .G56 2004eb Scottish soldiers in France in the reign of the Sun King : nursery for men of honour / 1
DC127.6 .G73 Great news from France giving an account of the new and extraordinary preparations for war made by France. 2
DC127.6 .L86 1999 The wars of Louis XIV, 1667-1714 / 1
DC127.6 .L966 2013eb The wars of Louis XIV, 1667-1714 / 1