Call Number (LC) Title Results
DC128 .D45 1997 Ancients against moderns : culture wars and the making of a fin de siècle / 1
DC128 .E76 L'esprit de la France et les maximes de Louis XIV découvertes à l'Europe. 1
DC128 .E87 2010 Espaces de la controverse au seuil des Lumières, 1680-1715 / 1
DC128 .G73 1999 Grandeur et servitude au siècle de Louis XIV : journée d'étude à la mémoire de Marie-Thérèse Hipp, 27 novembre 1997, Université Nancy 2 / 1
DC128 .H33 2006 Galanterie française / 1
DC128 .H64 1997 Society of pleasures : interdisciplinary readings in pleasure and power during the reign of Louis XIV / 1
DC128 .L4 1953 The splendid century. 1
DC128 .L47 The splendid century : life in the France of Louis XIV / 1
DC128 .R45 1990 The Reign of Louis XIV : essays in celebration of Andrew Lossky / 1
DC128 .S78 1998 Louis XIV / 1
DC128 .S86 1992 Sun king : the ascendancy of French culture during the reign of Louis XIV / 1
DC128.5 .B87 1992 The fabrication of Louis XIV / 1
DC128.5 .K58 Printed propaganda under Louis XIV : absolute monarchy and public opinion / 1
DC128.5 .K58 1976eb Printed propaganda under Louis XIV : absolute monarchy and public opinion / 1
DC128.5 .L68 2015 Louis XIV outside in : images of the Sun King beyond France, 1661-1715 / 1
DC128.5 .L68 2016 Louis XIV outside in images of the Sun King beyond France, 1661-1715 / 1
DC128.5 .M49 2017 Pour la plus grande gloire du roi : Louis XIV en thèses / 1
DC128.5 .Z36 1997 Scenes from the marriage of Louis XIV : nuptial fictions and the making of absolutist power / 1
DC128.5 .Z54 2010 Der Sonnenkönig und seine Feinde : die Bildpropaganda Ludwigs XIV. in der Kritik / 1
DC129 .A12