Call Number (LC) Title Results
DC148 .P665 2019 A new world begins : the history of the French Revolution / 1
DC148 .P67 1998 A short history of the French Revolution / 1
DC148 .P67 2020 A short history of the French Revolution / 1
DC148 .P68 2012 Pour la défense de la Révolution française : 1789-2009 : 220e anniversaire : Actes du colloque organisé par l'IRELP (Institut de recherches et d'études de la libre pensée) au lycée Henri IV à Paris, les 27 et 28 juin 2009 / 1
DC148 .Q48 2019 Crois ou meurs! : histoire incorrecte de la Révolution française / 1
DC148 .R44 1990 Reflections on the French revolution : a Hillsdale symposium / 1
DC148 .R47 1991 Reshaping France : town, country and region during the French Revolution / 1
DC148 .R485 1989 La Révolution française et l'Europe 1789-1799 : XXe exposition du conseil de l'Europe : Galeries nationales du grand Palais, Paris, 16 mars-26 juin 1989. 1
DC148 .R4886 2001 Revolutionary France : 1788-1880 / 1
DC148 .R49 1991 Rewriting the French Revolution / 1
DC148 .R64 1949i The spirit of revolution in 1789 a study of public opinion as revealed in political songs and other popular literature at the beginning of the French Revolution / 1
DC148 .R64 1989 The spirit of the revolution of 1789 and other writings on the revolutionary epoch / 1
DC148 .R68 2016 The Routledge companion to the French Revolution in world history / 1
DC148 .R83 1988 The French Revolution / 1
DC148 .S33 1989 Citizens : a chronicle of the French Revolution / 1
DC148 .S43 1989 Citizens : a chronicle of the French Revolution / 5
DC148 .S49 1989 Liberty, equality, and fraternity : studies on the era of the French revolution and Napoleon / 1
DC148 .S495 2014 The French Revolution : faith, desire, and politics / 1
DC148 .S54 1817i A sketch of the history of France during the Revolution and the reign of Napoleon, comprising an eventful period of twenty-three years from the suspension of the monarchy in 1792 to its re-establishment in 1815 with illustrative official papers. 1
DC148 .S5613 1975b The French Revolution, 1787-1799 : from the storming of the Bastille to Napoleon / 1