Call Number (LC) Title Results
DC235 .S455 2008 Defeat : Napoleon's Russian campaign / 1
DC235 .S46 La retraite de Moscou / 1
DC235 .T32 Napoleon's invasion of Russia, 1812. 1
DC235 .V47 1993 Napoleon I v Rossii, 1812 / 1
DC235 .W3 A German conscript with Napoleon : Jakob Walter's recollecctions of the campaigns of 1806-1807, 1809, and 1812-1813, according to a manuscript found at Lecompton, Kansas / 1
DC235 .Z35 2004 Moscow 1812 : Napoleon's fatal march / 2
DC235 .Z48 Gibelʹ napoleonovskoĭ armii v Rossii. 1
DC235 .Z48 1974 Gibelʹ napoleonovskoĭ armii v Rossii. 1
DC235.5.B7 T3 Borodino / 1
DC235.5.M8 0413 1967 The burning of Moscow, 1812 / 1
DC235.5.M8 A87 2012 1812 : Napoleon in Moscow. 1
DC235.5.M8 M665 2018 Moscou occupé! : lettres de soldats de Napoléon interceptées par les Cosaques, septembre-octobre 1812 / 1
DC235.5.M8 N67 2000 Die Geschichte der Zerstörung Moskaus im Jahre 1812 / 1
DC235.5.M8 N67x 2000 Die Geschichte der Zerstörung Moskaus im Jahre 1812 / 1
DC235.8 .C5 Dnevnik Aleksandra Chicherina, 1812-1813 / 1
DC236 The reasons for the success of the sixth coalition against Napoleon in 1813 / 1
DC236 .D43 Imperial sunset : the fall of Napoleon, 1813-14 / 1
DC236 .L44 2002 Napoleon and Berlin : the Franco-Prussian war in North Germany, 1813 / 1
DC236 .L44 2015eb Napoleon and the struggle for Germany : the Franco-Prussian war of 1813. 1
DC236 .L443 2015 Napoleon and the struggle for Germany : The Franco-Prussian War of 1813 / 1