Call Number (LC) Title Results
DC255.T3 O75 Talleyrand; ou, Le sphinx incompris. 1
DC255.T3 O7513 1974 Talleyrand : the art of survival /
Talleyrand; the art of survival.
DC255.T3 P37 Talleyrand / 1
DC255.T3 P65 Talleyrand aux États-Unis, 1794-1796. 1
DC255.T3 S19 1958 Monsieur de Talleyrand / 1
DC255.T3 S79 1895 Memoirs of C. M. Talleyrand de Périgord : containing the particulars of his private and public life / 1
DC255.T3 W368 2011 Talleyrand : dernières nouvelles du diable / 1
DC255.T3 W37 2006 Talleyrand : le prince immobile / 1
DC255.T3 Z67 2012 Talleyrand et l'invention de la diplomatie française / 1
DC255.T6 A3 1968 Correspondence and conversations of Alexis de Tocqueville with Nassau William Senior, from 1834 to 1859 / 1
DC255.T6 A4 1985 Selected letters on politics and society / 1
DC255.T6 R43 1896i The recollections of Alexis de Tocqueville 1
DC255.V58 N45 Notice historique sur M. le comte de Villèle / 1
DC256 Re-Writing the French Revolutionary Tradition : Liberal Opposition and the Fall of the Bourbon Monarchy / 1
DC256.A2 S7 French patriotism in the nineteenth century. : (1814-1833) traced in contemporary texts / 1
DC256 .A36 Mémoires sur la restauration, ou, Souvenirs historiques sur cette époque, la révolution de 1830, et les premières années du règne de Louis-Philippe / 1
DC256 .A43 2003 Re-writing the French revolutionary tradition / 1
DC256 .A7 France under the Bourbon Restoration, 1814-1830 / 1
DC256 .A7 1963 France under the Bourbon Restoration, 1814-1830. 1
DC256 .B46 La Restauration. 1