DC259 .D38 2020
Charles X : le naufrage de la monarchie / |
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DC259 .G3
Charles X : le roi, le proscrit. |
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DC259 .L8 1962
Le comte d'Artois : Charles X; le prince, l'émigré, le roi. |
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DC259.5 .V5
Charles X et Louis XIX en exil. : Mémoires inédits du marquis de Villeneuve / |
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DC260.B5 C3
La Duchesse de Berry : D'apres des documents inedits. |
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DC260.B5 N27
Madame, duchesse de Berry / |
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DC260.C67 A3 2012
Souvenirs de la Restauration / |
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DC260.C85 G25
Paul-Louis Courier et la restauration / |
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DC260 .G62
Memoirs of the Duchesse de Gontaut : gouvernante to the children of France during the restoration, 1773-1836 / |
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DC260.M8 A4
1787-1831. : Souvenirs du comte de Montbel, ministre de Charles X / |
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DC260.P6 B42
The Polignac ministry : a re-evaluation / |
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DC260.P6 B42 1964
The Polignac ministry : a re-evaluation / |
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DC260.P6 R58
Le prince Jules de Polignac : ministre de Charles X (1780-1847) / |
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DC261 .B47
La révolution de 1830 en France. |
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DC261 .B7
La révolution de juillet: 29 juillet 1830. |
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DC261 .H66 1830i
Full annals of the revolution in France, 1830 illegal ordinances of Charles X., military execution to enforce them, battles and victories of the people of Paris, abdication and flight of the king, proceedings of the provisional government, declaration of rights by the deputies, enthronement of the Duke of Orleans, under the title of Louis Philippe I., king of the French, addresses, protests, proclamations, decrees, and other important documents, narratives and interesting anecdotes of distinguished patriotism and bravery ; memoirs of the Duke of Orleans, &c. / |
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DC261 .M465 2015eb
L'hotel-dieu de paris en juillet et en aout 1830 : histoire de ce qui s'est passe dans cet hopital pendant et apres les trois grandes journees. |
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DC261 .P35
Lettre a un provincial sur le voyage de Saint-Omer / |
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DC261 .P55 1991
The 1830 Revolution in France / |
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DC261 .P56
The French revolution of 1830 / |
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