Call Number (LC) Title Results
DC34.5.M87 A78 2021 Artistic (self)-representations of Islam and Muslims : perspectives across France and the Maghreb / 1
DC34.5.M87 B68 2010 Can Islam be French : pluralism and pragmatism in a secularist state /
Can Islam be French? : pluralism and pragmatism in a secularist state /
DC34.5.M87 C65 2020 Muslims and citizens : Islam, politics, and the French Revolution / 1
DC34.5.M87 C76 2009 Looking beyond the Hijab / 1
DC34.5.M87 D38 2012eb Only Muslim : embodying Islam in Twentieth-Century France / 1
DC34.5.M87 F47 2014 The republic unsettled : Muslim French and the contradictions of secularism / 1
DC34.5.M87 F74 2014eb Constructing Muslims in France : discourse, public identity, and the politics of citizenship / 3
DC34.5.M87 G46 2010 French Muslims : new voices in contemporary France / 1
DC34.5.M87 G46 2010eb French Muslims : new voices in contemporary France /
French Muslims new voices in contemporary France /
DC34.5.M87 K59 2020 Secularism, Islam and public intellectuals in contemporary France / 1
DC 34.5 .M87 L38 2006 Integrating Islam : political and religious challenges in contemporary France / 1
DC34.5.M87 L38 2006 Integrating Islam : political and religious challenges in contemporary France / 1
DC34.5.M87 L38 2006eb Integrating Islam : political and religious challenges in contemporary France / 1
DC34.5.M87 M33 2017 Sexagon : Muslims, France, and the sexualization of national culture / 1
DC34.5.M87 .M36 2014eb Muslims and Jews in France : history of a conflict / 3
DC34.5.M87 M363 2015 Situation de la France / 1
DC34.5.M87 M36313 2016 Beyond radical secularism : how France and the Christian West should respond to the Islamic challenge / 1
DC34.5.M87 N3813 2019 Wandering souls / 1
DC34.5.M87 P48 2021 Islam and the governing of Muslims in France : Secularism without religion / 1
DC34.5.M87 S36 2007 The politics of the veil / 1