Call Number (LC) Title Results
DC790.A6 C6 L'Étoile / 1
DC790 .T68 La tour Eiffel en 1900. 1
DC790.T68 D4513 1989 The Eiffel Tower / 1
DC790.T68 H47 2003 The Eiffel Tower / 1
DC790.T68 L83 2003 The Eiffel Tower / 1
DC790.T68 S2413 1989 The Eiffel Tower / 1
DC801 Native to the republic : empire, social citizenship, and everyday life in Marseille since 1945 / 1
DC801.A325 B5 1992 Old and new nobility in Aix-en-Provence, 1600-1695 : portrait of an urban elite / 1
DC801.A325 F5 Map of another town : a memoir of Provence / 1
DC801.A325 K47 Judicial politics and urban revolt in seventeenth-century France : the Parlement of Aix, 1629-1659 / 1
DC801.A325 .K47 1978eb Judicial politics and urban revolt in seventeenth-century France : the Parlement of Aix, 1629-1659 / 1
DC801.A51 M33 1932 Amiens et la cóte picarde / 1
DC801.A55 M35 French ecclesiastical society under the ancien régime : a study of Angers in the eighteenth century. 1
DC801.A55 R6 Recueil des priviléges de la ville et mairie d'Angers. 1
DC801.A614 G35 1971 Mémoires de Achille Gamon, avocat d'Annonay en Vivarais <1552-1586> / 1
DC801.A6194 B375 2007 Chroniques de guerre, Anthy 1914-1918 : Les pommes de terre ont mauvaise mine / 1
DC801.A675 G37 2005 A shifting shore : locals, outsiders, and the transformation of a French fishing town, 1823-2000 / 1
DC801.A677 L36 2001 The history of the counts of Guines and lords of Ardres / 1
DC801.A677 L36 2001eb The History of the Counts of Guines and Lords of Ardres / 2
DC801.A7 G58 1981 Arles : 97 photographs in colour / 1