Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DD178 .S54 1558 | Tabul[a]e in xxvj libros Historiarum Ioannis Sleidani de statu religionis et reipublicae Christianae : ex postrema authoris recognitione, cui praeter librorum, in gratiam legentium, additi sunt etiam foliorum indices numeri, ad posteriorem nostram 1558 Commentariorum aeditionem accomodati. | 1 |
DD178 .S73 1845 | Staatspapiere zur Geschichte des Kaisers Karl V. : Aus dem Königlichen Archiv und der Bibliothèque de Bourgogne zu Brüssel mitgetheilt / | 1 |
DD178.9 .G5 1964 | Crónica del emperador Carlos V. [Manuscrito 3.825 de la Biblioteca Nacional] Edición de Juan Sánchez Montes. Prólogo del Dr. Peter Rassow. | 1 |
DD178.9 .K318 1960 | Memorias. | 1 |
DD178.9 .S63 1559 |
Io. Sleidani, De quatuor summis imperiis, babylonico, persico, graeco & romano, libri tres. Io. Sleidani. De statu religionis et reipublicae, Carolo V. Caesare, cómmentarii XXV. libris comprehensi : Quibus adiecimus XXVI. ab ipso authore paulò sub mortem eius editum. Addita est quoque apologia ab eodem authore conscripta. Accedunt etiam ad faciliorem, rerum cognitionem singulorum librorum summaria. Con indice locupletissimo. |
2 |
DD179 .B56 2002 | Emperor Charles V : 1500-1558 / | 1 |
DD179 .D88 | Étude sur Charles-Quint. | 1 |
DD179 .F4713 | Charles V : elected emperor and hereditary ruler / | 1 |
DD179 .K54 2004 | Charles V : the world emperor / | 1 |
DD179 .K75 2000 | Der Kriegszug Kaiser Karls V. gegen Tunis : Kartons und Tapisserien / | 1 |
DD179 .L45 | Storia documentata di Carlo v in correlazione all'Italia / | 1 |
DD179 .M38 1865 | Karl V. und die deutschen Protestanten, 1545-1555 : Nebst einem Anhang von Aktenstücken aus dem spanischen Staatsarchiv von Simancas. | 1 |
DD179 .O813 1970b | Charles V / | 1 |
DD179 .R6 1787 | The history of the reign of the Emperor Charles V : with a view of the progress of society in Europe, from the subversion of the Roman Empire, to the beginning of the sixteenth century : in four volumes / | 1 |
DD179 .R6 1788 | The history of the reign of the Emperor Charles V : with a view of the progress of society in Europe, from the subversion of the Roman Empire, to the beginning of the sixteenth century / | 1 |
DD179 .R6 1876 | The history of the reign of the emperor Charles the Fifth / | 1 |
DD179 .R6 1884 | The history of the reign of the emperor Charles the Fifth / | 1 |
DD179 .R6 1972 | The progress of society in Europe : a historical outline from the subversion of the Roman Empire to the beginning of the sixteenth century / | 1 |
DD179 .R62 1988 | The changing face of empire : Charles V, Philip II and Habsburg authority, 1551-1559 / | 1 |
DD179 .R63 1833i | The history of the reign of the Emperor Charles V. with a view of the progress of society in Europe : from the subversion of the Roman Empire, to the beginning of the sixteenth century / | 1 |