Call Number (LC) Title Results
DD247.E5 A65 1999 Operation Eichmann : pursuit and capture / 1
DD247.E5 A7 Eichmann in Jerusalem : a report on the banality of evil. 1
DD247.E5 A7 1963 Eichmann in Jerusalem : a report on the banality of evil. 1
DD247.E5 A7 1964 Eichmann in Jerusalem : a report on the banality of evil. 1
DD247.E5 A7 1977 Eichmann in Jerusalem : a report on the banality of evil / 1
DD247.E5 A734 2012 Visualizing atrocity : Arendt, evil, and the optics of thoughtlessness / 1
DD247.E5 A734 2012eb Visualizing atrocity : Arendt, evil, and the optics of thoughtlessness / 1
DD247.E5 B37 2009 Hunting Eichmann : how a band of survivors and a young spy agency chased down the world's most notorious Nazi / 2
DD247.E5 B7 Eichmann and the destruction of Hungarian Jewry. 1
DD247.E5 C45 Le dossier Eichmann et "la solution finale de la question juive" / 1
DD247.E5 C45 1960 Le dossier Eichmann : et "la solution finale de la question juive" / 1
DD247.E5 C47 2006 Becoming Eichmann : rethinking the life, crimes, and trial of a "desk murderer" / 1
DD247.E5 C47 2007  
DD247.E5 C55 1960i Eichmann the man and his crimes / 1
DD247.E5 D4 A study of Adolf Eichmann (1906-1962) ; Adolf Hitler's expert in Jewish affairs. 1
DD247.E5 E48 1983 Eichmann interrogated : transcripts from the archives of the Israeli police / 1
DD247.E5 G47 1961 Eichmann : Henker, Handlanger, Hintermünner. Eine Dokumentation. 1
DD247.E5 G58 The apathetic majority : a study based on public responses to the Eichmann trial / 1
DD247.E5 G58 1970 The apathetic majority : a study based on public responses to the Eichmann trial / 1
DD247.E5 G6 The case of Adolf Eichmann. 1