Call Number (LC) Title Results
DD253.6 .A97 2003 Ausbildungsziel Judenmord? : "weltanschauliche Erziehung" von SS, Polizei und Waffen-SS im Rahmen der "Endlösung" / 1
DD253.6 .B38 Psychologie et ethique du national-socialisme : étude anthropologique des dirigeants S.S. / 1
DD253.6 .B78 1990 Foundations of the Nazi police state : the formation of Sipo and SD / 1
DD253.6 .D52 1973 Licensed mass murder : a socio-psychological study of some SS killers / 1
DD253.6 .E88 2003eb A European anabasis western European volunteers in the German army and SS, 1940-1945 / 1
DD253.6 .F4 1965 Les bourreaux-SS et leurs victimes : Auschwitz 1940-1945, Francfort/Main 1963-1965; une confrontation qui s'impose. 1
DD253.6 .G7 1978b History of the SS / 1
DD253.6 .G78 1971 Hitler's SS. 1
DD253.6 .G78 1993 Hitler's SS / 1
DD253.6 .H37 2014 Himmlers Lehrer : die weltanschauliche Schulung in der SS, 1933-1945 / 1
DD253.6 .H56613 2001 SS defender against Bolshevism / 1
DD253.6 .H613 1969 The Order of the Death's Head: the story of Hitler's S.S.;
The Order of the Death's Head : the story of Hitler's S.S. /
DD253.6 .H613 1970 The Order of the Death's Head : the story of Hitler's S.S. / 1
DD253.6 .H613 1972 The Order of the Death's Head : the story of Hitler's SS / 1
DD253.6 .J37 2000 The architecture of oppression : the SS, forced labor and the Nazi monumental building economy / 1
DD253.6.J37 2000eb The Architecture of Oppression : the SS, Forced Labor and the Nazi Monumental Building Economy. 1
DD253.6 .J37 2000eb The architecture of oppression the SS, forced labor and the Nazi monumental building economy / 1
DD253.6 .K45 1987 SS im Kreuzverhör : die Elite, die Europa in Scherben schlug / 1
DD253.6 .K62 1993 Antifaschisten in SS-Uniform : Schicksal und Widerstand der deutschen politischen KZ-Häftlinge, Zuchthaus- und Wehrmachtstrafgefangenen in der SS-Sonderformation Dirlewanger : mit Abbildungen und Dokumenten / 1
DD253.6 .K63 1983 The Black Corps : the structure and power struggles of the Nazi SS / 1