Call Number (LC) Title Results
DD262 .K65 2013eb The Kohl chancellorship / 1
DD262 .K87 2009 Das Ringen um die deutsche Einheit : die Regierung Helmut Kohl im Brennpunkt der Entscheidungen 1989/90 / 1
DD262 .L48 1991 A Nazi legacy : right-wing extremism in postwar Germany / 1
DD262 .N63 2010 Helmut Kohl : die Biographie / 1
DD262 .P7813 1996 Kohl, genius of the present : a biography of Helmut Kohl / 1
DD262 .S293 2014 Vermächtnis : die Kohl-Protokolle / 1
DD262 .S39 2012 Helmut Kohl : eine politische Biographie / 1
DD262 .S42 2010 Helmut Kohl : Virtuose der Macht / 1
DD262 .W35 1992 United Germany : the past, politics, prospects / 1
DD262 .W53 2015 Helmut Kohl's quest for normality : his representation of the German nation and himself / 2
DD262 .W65 1997 The Kohl government and German reunification : crisis and foreign policy / 1
DD265.5 .R115 The anatomy of Nazism. 1
DD280.35 Records of the U.S. Department of State relating to the internal affairs of the Russian Zone (East Germany), 1950-1954 1
DD280.35 .R43 1991 Records of the U.S. Department of State relating to the internal affairs of East Germany, 1955-1959 1
DD280.4 D37 1986 DDR, Dokumente zur Geschichte der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, 1945-1985 / 1
DD280.4 .W65 2000  
DD280.6 The German democratic republic : the search for identity / 1
DD280.6 .A74 1972i Area handbook for East Germany 1
DD280.6 .C455 2015eb The GDR : Moscow's German ally / 1
DD280.6 .C55 1988 The GDR : Moscow's German ally / 1