Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DD78.B55 N68 2009eb | Not so plain as black and white : Afro-German culture and history, 1890-2000 / | 1 |
DD78.B55 O8 | Otomo | 1 |
DD78.B55 P37 2023 | Blackness as a Universal Claim : Holocaust Heritage, Noncitizen Futures, and Black Power in Berlin / | 1 |
DD78.B55 R46 2016 | Remapping Black Germany : New Perspectives on Afro-German History, Politics, and Culture / | 2 |
DD78.B77 | The unnoticed effects of EU accession : evidence on mobility and integration of Bulgarian migrants in Germany / | 1 |
DD78.C48 L48 2004 | Chinese migration in Germany : making home in transnational space / | 1 |
DD78.E28 |
Das Indernet : eine rassismuskritische Internet-Ethnografie / Stories of the Indian immigrant communities in Germany : why move? / |
2 |
DD78.E28 A47 2016 | Encoding race, encoding class : Indian IT workers in Berlin / | 1 |
DD78.E34 A84 2007 | Ein Prinz aus dem Hause David und warum er in Deutschland blieb / | 1 |
DD78.I7 | Internal diversity : Iranian Germans between local boundaries and transnational capital / | 2 |
DD78.I77 E45 1993 | L'emigrazione tra Italia e Germania / | 1 |
DD78.K87 |
Kurdische Migrant_innen in Deutschland Lebenswelten - Identität - politische Partizipation. Literale Lebenswelten : Eine Fallstudie zu Sozialisationsprozessen in einer kurdischen Migrantenfamilie / |
2 |
DD78.K87 O53 2020 | Women in the Kurdish family : expectations, obligations and values / | 1 |
DD78.M87 |
Bilder nationaler Zugehörigkeit : Muslimische Frauen und »akzeptable Differenz« in Deutschschweizer Mediendiskursen / Gehört der Islam zu Deutschland? : Fakten und Analysen zu einem Meinungsstreit / MUSLIM*INNEN- UND ISLAMFEINDLICHKEIT zur differenzierten betrachtung von vorurteilen... gegenuber menschen und religion. Towards A Voice in The Public Sphere? : Deliberation with Muslim Civil Society in Berlin. |
4 |
DD78.M87 K37 2017 | Wer ist wir? : Deutschland und seine Muslime. Mit der Kölner Rede zum Anschlag auf Charlie Hebdo / | 1 |
DD78.M87 R67 2012 | Organizing Muslims and integrating Islam in Germany : new developments in the 21st century / | 1 |
DD78 .M87 R67 2013 | Organizing Muslims and Integrating Islam in Germany : New Developments in the 21st Century. | 1 |
DD78.M87 W43 2013 |
Violence and gender in the "new Europe" Islam in German culture / Violence and gender in the "new" Europe : Islam in German culture / |
2 |
DD78.P64 | ||
DD78.P64 U74 2019 | Colonial fantasies, imperial realities : race science and the making of Polishness on the fringes of the German Empire, 1840-1920 / | 2 |