Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DE3 .D35 2002 | The dance of Hippocleides : a festschrift for Frank J. Frost / | 1 |
DE3 .D42 | Un decennio di ricerche archeologiche. | 1 |
DE3 .E2 2008 | East & west : papers in ancient history presented to Glen W. Bowersock / | 1 |
DE3 .E83 | Essays in honor of C. Bradford Welles. | 1 |
DE3 .E88 1984 | Essays in memory of Karl Kerényi / | 1 |
DE3 .F62 | Forschungen und Funde : Festschrift Bernhard Neutsch / | 1 |
DE3 .H45 | Festschrift für Friedrich Matz / | 1 |
DE3 .I57 1978 | Greece and Italy in the classical world : acta of the XI International Congress of Classical Archaeology, on behalf of the International Association for Classical Archaeology, London, 3-9 September 1978, under the sponsorship of the British Academy / | 1 |
DE3 .I6 2001 | Interpreting late antiquity : essays on the postclassical world / | 1 |
DE3 .K58 1993 | Klassisches Altertum, Spätantike und frühes Christentum : Adolf Lippold zum 65. Geburtstag gewidmet / | 1 |
DE3 .K74 | Kritische und vergleichende Studien zur Alten Geschichte und Universalgeschichte / | 1 |
DE3 .L45 2003 | Leitbild Wissenschaft? / | 1 |
DE3 .M52 2002 |
Rome, the Greek world, and the East / Rome, the Greek World, and the East, 3 : the Greek World, the Jews, and the East. |
2 |
DE3 .M52 2002eb | Rome, the Greek world, and the East. | 1 |
DE3 .M53 1980 | Miscellanea di studi classici in onore di Eugenio Manni. -- | 1 |
DE3 .M62 1998 | Modus operandi : essays in honour of Geoffrey Rickman / | 1 |
DE3 .M63 1998 | Modus operandi : essays in honour of Geoffrey Rickman / | 1 |
DE3 .P6 | Polis and imperium : studies in honour of Edward Togo Salmon / | 2 |
DE3 .P73 1982 | Praestant interna : Festschrift für Ulrich Hausmann / | 1 |
DE3 .S72 v.97 | The early sanctuary of Athena Alea at Tegea and other archaic sanctuaries in Arcadia / | 1 |