Call Number (LC) Title Results
DE5 .S5 1891a A dictionary of classical antiquities, mythology, religion, literature & art / 1
DE5 .S5 1956 A dictionary of classical antiquities, mythology, religion, literature [and] art. / 1
DE5 .S5 1956x A dictionary of classical antiquities, mythology, religion, literature [and] art. / 1
DE5 .S591 1988 The concise classical dictionary of biography mythology and geography / 1
DE5 .S591 1988x The concise classical dictionary of biography mythology and geography / 1
DE5 .S6 1843a A dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities / 1
DE5 .S6 1843b A dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities / 1
DE5 .S6 1878 A dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities / 1
DE5 .S67 1850 A new classical dictionary of Greek and Roman biography, mythology, and geography : partly based upon the Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology / 1
DE5 .S67 1851 A new classical dictionary of Greek and Roman biography, mythology, and geography : partly based upon the Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology / 1
DE5. S67 1851 A new classical dictionary of Greek and Roman biography, mythology and geography, partly based upon the Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. 1
DE5 .S67 1885 A new classical dictionary of Greek and Roman biography, mythology and geography : partly based upon the Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology / 1
DE5.S67 1885 A new classical dictionary of Greek and Roman biography, mythology and geography : partly based upon the Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology / 1
DE5 .S672 A smaller classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography : abridged from the larger dictionary, with illustrations / 1
DE5 .S672 1956 Everyman's smaller classical dictionary / 1
DE5 .S6814 Dictionnaire de biographie, mythologie, géographie anciennes : pour servir a l'intelligence des auteurs Grecs et Latins en usage dans les établissements d'instruction / 1
DE5 .S75 1873 A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology / 1
DE5 .S75 1876 A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology / 1
DE5 .T6 1505 Elucidarius carminu[m] et hystoriaru[m], vel, Vocabularius poeticus continens fabulas, hystorias prouincias, vrbes, insulas, fluuios, & montes illustres : item vocabula & interpretationes graecorum & hebraicorum : vna cum vocabulis communibus saracenoru[m], in latinum tra[n]slatis, & alijs in fine adiunctis. 1
DE5 .T73 A classical and Biblical reference book / H. A. Treble. 1