Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DE94 .T49 2022 | Texts from the middle : documents from the Mediterranean world, 650-1650 / | 1 |
DE94 .V54 1997 | Le vie del Mediterraneo : idee, uomini, oggetti, secoli XI-XVI, Genova, 19-20 aprile 1994 / | 1 |
DE96 | Peiresc's Mediterranean world / | 1 |
DE96 .B73 2010eb | Braudel revisited the Mediterranean world, 1600-1800 / | 1 |
DE96 .C366 1997 | Storia del Mediterraneo nel Seicento / | 1 |
DE96 .E28 2002 | Early modern history and the social sciences : testing the limits of Braudel's Mediterranean / | 1 |
DE96 .E63 2018 | Entre deux rives : villes en Méditerranée au Moyen Âge et à l'époque moderne : actes du colloque international, Aix-Marseille (MMSH-MuCEM), 24-27 septembre 2014 / | 1 |
DE96 .H47 2018 | The captive sea : slavery, communication, and commerce in early modern Spain and the Mediterranean / | 1 |
DE96 .P5477 1993 | Pierre Toubert histoire de l'Occident méditerranéen au Moyen-Age. | 1 |
DE96.5 .M44 2017 | France, Britain, and the struggle for the revolutionary western Mediterranean / | 1 |
DE97 | Mediterranean Europe(s) : rethinking Europe from its southern shores / | 1 |
DE97 .M43 2016 | Mediterranean diasporas : politics and ideas in the long 19th century / | 1 |
DE97 .Z36 2018 | Transnational patriotism in the Mediterranean, 1800-1850 : stammering the nation / | 1 |
DE98 | The new Eastern Mediterranean transformed emerging issues and new actors / | 1 |
DE98 .H3 1971 | The Mediterranean naval situation, 1908-1914 / | 1 |
DE98 .L6 | Salisbury and the Mediterranean, 1886-1896 / | 1 |
DE100 |
Mediterranean in dis/order : space, power, and identity / La cesta cultural y social de la Declaración de Barcelona y las líneas de fractura en las sociedades mediterráneas / The Mediterranean Basin : its political economy and changing international relations / |
5 |
DE100 .C35 1997 | Navigating regional dynamics in the post-Cold War world : patterns of relations in the Mediterranean area / | 1 |
DE100 .C37 2003 | Il pensiero meridiano / | 1 |
DE100 .C58 1995 | Mediterranean strategies / | 1 |