Call Number (LC) Title Results
DF221.A78 A42 1981 Bronze Age population fluctuations in the Argolid from the evidence of Mycenaean tombs / 1
DF221.A78 A78 1995 Artifact and assemblage : the finds from a regional survey of the southern Argolid, Greece. 1
DF221.A78 D54 1991 The Argolid at the transition to the Mycenaean age : studies in the chronology and cultural development in the shaft grave period / 1
DF221.A78 F65 1988 The Argolid 800-600 B.C. : an archaeological survey : together with an index of sites from the Neolithic to the Roman period / 1
DF221.A78 H33 Die Gräber der Argolis in submykenischer, protogeometrischer und geometrischer Zeit / 1
DF221.A78 M55 2023 Mortuary differentiation and social structure in the Middle Helladic Argolid, 2000-1500 B.C. / 1
DF221.A8 Reclaiming the past : Argos and its archaeological heritage in the modern era / 1
DF221.A8 A746 2022 Argos : les fouilles de l'Aspis / 1
DF221.A8 C68 Tombes géométriques d'Argos / 1
DF221.A8 K44 1976 A history of Argos to 500 B.C. / 1
DF221.A8 M37 Mycènes et l'Argolide antique. : Avec 21 plans et cartes et 224 photographies hors texte commentées. 1
DF221.A8 S35 Excavations at Berbati, 1936-1937 / 1
DF221.A84 N67 1987 A Middle Helladic village : Asine in the Argolid / 1
DF221.A87 A84 2020 Athens and Attica in prehistory : proceedings of the international Conference, Athens, 27-31 May 2015 / 1
DF221.A95 R87 The transition to Mycenaean : a stratified Middle Helladic II to Late Helladic IIA pottery sequence from Ayios Stephanos in Lakonia / 1
DF221.C56 K47 1981 Khostia 1980 : a preliminary report on the first season of Canadian excavations at Khóstia, Boiotia, Central Greece / 1
DF221.C56 K47 1986 Khóstia 1983 : rapport préliminaire sur la seconde campagne de fouilles canadiennes à Khóstia en Béotie, Grèce centrale = preliminary report on the second season of Canadian excavations at Khóstia Boiotia, central Greece / 1
DF221.C6 B76 2018 Corinth in late antiquity : a Greek, Roman and Christian city / 1
DF221.C6 S53 1998 Art and the Greek city state : an interpretive archaeology / 1
DF221.C6 W57 The land of the ancient Corinthians / 1