Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DF225 .L48 1995 | La Grèce au Ve siècle : de Clisthène à Socrate / | 1 |
DF225 .N46 | Introduzione alle Guerre persiane e altri saggi di storia antica. | 1 |
DF225 .N47 1708 | [Portrait of Miltiades] | 1 |
DF225 .P75 2021 | Prima di Erodoto : aspetti della memoria delle Guerre persiane / | 1 |
DF225.P763 G74 2022 | Procopius of Caesarea : The Persian Wars : a historical commentary / | 1 |
DF225 .R37 1999 | Athènes et Chypre à l'époque perse (VIe-IVe s. av. J.-C.) : histoire et données archéologiques / | 1 |
DF225 .R67 2019 | Herodotus and the topography of Xerxes' invasion / | 1 |
DF225 .S53 1990 | Greece and the Persians / | 1 |
DF225 .S54 2019 | The Persian war : in Herodotus and other ancient voices / | 1 |
DF225 .Y37 2019 | States of memory : the polis, panhellenism, and the Persian War / | 1 |
DF225 DF225.D44 2003eb DF225.D44 2003 | Greek and Persian Wars 499-386 BC. | 1 |
DF225.2 | States of memory : the polis, panhellenism, and the Persian War / | 1 |
DF225.2 .S26 2005 | A Historical commentary on Herodotus, Book 6 / | 1 |
DF225.2 .S26 2005eb | Historical commentary on Herodotus, Book 6 / | 1 |
DF225.2 .W35 2005 | Xerxes' Greek adventure : the naval perspective / | 1 |
DF225.3 .T69 | La rivolta ionica / | 1 |
DF225.4 |
The Harvest of War Marathon, Thermopylae, and Salamis : the Epic Battles That Saved Democracy. La bataille de Marathon : Le conflit mytique qui a mis fin à la première guerre médique. |
2 |
DF225.4 .B5 | L'Antico oplite, corridore di Maratona : leggenda o realità | 1 |
DF225.4 .B55 2010 | Marathon : how one battle changed Western civilization / | 2 |
DF225.4 .J86 2006 | Marathon und Plataiai : zwei Perserschlachten als "lieux de mémoire" im antiken Griechenland / | 1 |