Call Number (LC) Title Results
DF234 .C8 1553 The historie of Quintus Curcius conteyning the actes of the greate Alexander /
The history of Quintus Curcius conteyning the actes of the greate Alexander
DF234 .C81245 2009 Histories of Alexander the Great. 1
DF234 .C813 1984 The history of Alexander / 1
DF234 .C87 1661 The life and death of Alexander the Great in X books / 2
DF234 .C87 1674 The life and death of Alexander the Great, King of Macedon in ten books / 2
DF234.C87 1680 De rebus gestis Alexandri Magni 1
DF234 .C87 1690 The life of Alexander the Great 2
DF234 .C97 1618 Q. Curtii Rufi, historiarum Magni Alexandri Macedonis. 1
DF234 .C97 1672 Q. Curtii Rufi De rebus gestis Alexandri Magni historiarum quotquot supersunt libri, 1
DF234 .D713 2012 History of Alexander the Great / 1
DF234 .E4 Alexander; oder, Die Verwandlung der Welt / 1
DF234 .E423 Alexander the Great : power as destiny / 1
DF234 .E84 2019 Alexander the Great : his life and his mysterious death / 1
DF234 .F55 2002 Alexander the Great : son of the gods / 1
DF234 .F69 1973 Alexander the Great. 1
DF234 .G65 2007  
DF234 .G66 2015 Greece, Macedon and Persia : Studies in Social, Political and Military History in Honour of Waldemar Heckel / 1
DF234 .G66 2015eb Greece, Macedon and Persia : Studies in Social, Political and Military History in Honour of Waldemar Heckel / 1
DF234 .G68 1970 Alexander the Great. 1
DF234 .G68 1974 Alexander of Macedon, 356-323 B.C. : a historical biography. 1