Call Number (LC) Title Results
DF261.A8 O83 1985 Demos, the discovery of classical Attika / 1
DF261.A8 S34 1997 Le cleruchie di Atene : caratteri e funzione / 1
DF261.A8 S45 1985 Untersuchungen zum Verhältnis von Gefässform und Malerei attischer Schalen / 1
DF261.A8 S54 1982 Die Trittyen Attikas und die Heeresreform des Kleisthenes / 1
DF261.A8 S78 1982 Studies in South Attica. 1
DF261.A8 S88 Studies in Attic epigraphy, history, and topography : presented to Eugene Vanderpool. 1
DF261.A8 S88 1982 Studies in Attic epigraphy, history, and topography : presented to Eugene Vanderpool.
Studies in Attic epigraphy, history, and topography : presented to Eugene Vanderpool. --
DF261.A8 T7 The political organization of Attica : a study of the demes, trittyes, and phylai, and their representation in the Athenian Council /
The political organization of Attica; a study of the demes, trittyes, and phylai, and their representation in the Athenian Council
DF261.A8 V43 1985 Untersuchungen zur plastischen Ausstattung attischer Grabanlagen des 4. Jhs. v. Chr. / 1
DF261.A8 W35 1988 Attic grave reliefs that represent women in the dress of Isis / 1
DF261.A8 W47 1964 Die Werkstatt des Pheidias in Olympia / 1
DF261.B5 Boiotia in antiquity : selected papers /
Boiotia in ancient times : some studies of its topography, history, cults and myths /
DF261.B5 B57 2017 Boeotia project. survey at a complex urban site / 1
DF261.B5 B63 Boeotia antiqua. 1
DF261.B5 B65 2016 Boiotia in the fourth century B.C. / 1
DF261.B5 B815 1994eb Boiotia and the Boiotian League, 432-371 B.C / 1
DF261.B5 B82 A history of Boeotia / 1
DF261.B5 -- B82 1979eb A History of Boeotia. 1
DF261.B5 E65 2014 The epigraphy and history of Boeotia : new finds, new prospects / 1
DF261.B5 E65 2014eb The epigraphy and history of Boeotia : new finds, new prospects / 1