Call Number (LC) Title Results
DF261.A2 S36 2000 The politics of plunder Aitolians and their koinon in the early Hellenistic era, 279-217 B.C. /
The politics of plunder : Aitolians and their koinon in the early Hellenistic era, 279-217 B.C. /
DF261.A2 W8 1973 Aetolia : its geography, topography, and antiquities. 1
DF261.A4 M34 2016eb Magoúla Pavlína : a Middle Bronze Age site in the Soúrpi Plain (Thessaly, Greece) / 1
DF261.A67 T64 Argos and the Argolid : from the end of the Bronze Age to the Roman occupation / 1
DF261.A67 .T64 2014eb Argos and the Argolid : from the end of the Bronze Age to the Roman occupation / 1
DF261.A68 H45 2002 Arkadia and its poleis in the archaic and classical periods / 1
DF261.A68 M34 2017 The fortifications of Arkadian city states in the Classical and Hellenistic periods / 1
DF261.A7 A83 Asine II : results of the excavations east of the Acropolis, 1970-1974 / 1
DF261.A7 A833 1996 Asine III : supplementary studies on the Swedish excavations, 1922-1930 / 1
DF261.A7 H33 Excavations in the Barbouna area at Asine / 1
DF261.A7 N39 2002 New research on old material from Asine and Berbati : in celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Swedish Institute at Athens / 1
DF261.A7 S7 1998 Asine : en svensk utgrävningsplats i Grekland / 1
DF261.A8 A7 2010 Archaia Athēna kai Attikē : historikē topographia tou asteōs kai tēs chōras / 1
DF261.A8 A83 2019 Ascending and descending the Acropolis : movement in Athenian religion / 1
DF261.A8 A84 2017 Athens and Attica : history and archaeology / 1
DF261.A8 E4 1962 Coastal demes of Attika : a study of the policy of Kleisthenes / 1
DF261.A8 G3 Sounion : the ruins and their history / 1
DF261.A8 J65 2004 Rural Athens under the democracy / 3
DF261.A8 M86 1993 The defense of Attica : the Dema wall and the Boiotian War of 378-375 B.C. / 1