Call Number (LC) Title Results
DF261.T49 A68 2017eb  
DF261.T5 Blessed Thessaly the identities of a place and its people from the archaic period to the Hellenistic.
Religion and society in ancient Thessaly /
DF261.T5 E65 2012 Archaiologiko ergo Thessalias kai Stereas Helladas 4, 2012 : praktika epistēmonikēs synantēsēs, Volos 15.3 heōs 18.3.2012 / 1
DF261.T5 G73 2011 Cult and koinon in Hellenistic Thessaly / 1
DF261.T5 G73 2011eb Cult and Koinon in Hellenistic Thessaly / 1
DF261.T5 K3 A history of Thessaly : from the earliest historical times to the accession of Philip v. of Macedonia / 1
DF261.T5 K55 2002 Kleinfunde aus dem Athena Itonia-Heiligtum bei Philia (Thessalien) / 1
DF261.T5 M48 2015 Religion and society in ancient Thessaly / 1
DF261.T5 M5 Hauptergebnisse der deutschen Ausgrabungen in Thessalien : 1953-1958. 1
DF261.T5 S7 1967 Das hellenische Thessalien. : Landeskundliche und geschichtliche Beschreibung Thessaliens in der hellenischen und römischen Zeit. 1
DF261.T5 T7 Hai proïstorikai akropoleis Dimēniou kai Sesklou / 1
DF261.T5 W4 1969b Thessaly in the fourth century B.C. / 1
DF261.T6 Who were the plunderers of Salmydessus? 1
DF261.T6 A73 1998 The Odrysian kingdom of Thrace : Orpheus unmasked / 1
DF261.T6 D3 Drevna Traki︠i︡a. : Izsledovani︠i︡a vůrkhu istori︠i︡ata na bulg. zemi, Severna Dobrudzha, Iztochna i Egeĭska Traki︠i︡a ot kra︠i︡a na IX do kra︠i︡a na III v. pr. n.e. 1
DF261.T6 F626 Thrace & the Thracians / 1
DF261.T6 F626 1977b Thrace & the Thracians / 2
DF261.T6 H57 1988 Hi Historiki, archaiologiki kai laographiki ereuna gia ti Thraki : symposio, Xanthi, Komotini, Alexandroupoli, 5-9 Dekembriou 1985 : praktika. 1
DF261.T6 I82 1986 The Greek settlements in Thrace until the Macedonian conquest / 1
DF261.T6 I935 2008 Thracia : eine römische Provinz auf der Balkanhalbinsel / 1