Call Number (LC) Title Results
DG12 .S82 vol. 16 The spoils of Jerusalem on the Arch of Titus : a re-investigation / 1
DG12 .S82 vol. 20 Conservator urbis suae : studies in the politics and propaganda of the emperor Maxentius / 1
DG12 .S82 vol. 22 A survey of Greek and Latin inscriptions on stone in Swedish collections / 1
DG12.3.L663 S53 1981 The Esquiline treasure / 1
DG12.3.P48 U547 2005 Catalogue of the Etruscan gallery of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology / 1
DG12.3.P48 U55 2002 Guide to the Etruscan and Roman worlds at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology / 1
DG12.5 Gender and Italian archaeology : challenging the stereotypes /
A history of the Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 1949-2022 : a retrospective to mark the 25th Congress in Nijmegen /
DG12.5 .C66 1996 Atti del secondo Congresso di topografia antica La città romana, Roma, 15-16 maggio 1996 = Proceedings of the second Congress of Ancient Topography, Roman town-planning, Rome, 15-16 May 1996 / 1
DG12.5 .C75 2012 Making Roman places, past and present : papers presented at the first Critical Roman Archaeology Conference held at Stanford University in March, 2008 / 1
DG12.5 .I56 1991eb Images of empire / 1
DG12.5 .I684 1999 Archäologische Museen und Stätten der römischen Antike : auf dem Wege vom Schatzhaus zum Erlebnispark und virtuellen Informationszentrum? ; Referate des 2. Internationalen Colloquiums zur Vermittlungsarbeit in Museen, Köln, 3.-6. Mai 1999, veranstaltet vom Museumsdienst Köln und dem Römisch-Germanischen Museum Köln / 1
DG12.5 .P37 1985 Papers in Italian archaeology IV : the Cambridge Conference / 1
DG12.5 .R65 2007 Roman finds : context and theory : proceedings of a conference held at the University of Durham / 1
DG12.5 R66 1996 The Roman period (in the provinces and the barbaric world) : colloquium XXV ... : colloquium XXVI ... / 1
DG12.5 R66 2005 Römische Werte als Gegenstand der Altertumswissenschaft / 1
DG12.5 .T44 1993 Theoretical Roman archaeology : first conference proceedings / 1
DG12.5 .T44 2014eb TRAC 2014 : proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, which took place at the University of Reading, 27-30 March 2014 / 1
DG12.5 .T443 1995 Theoretical Roman archaeology : second conference proceedings / 1
DG12.5 .T445 1999 TRAC 99 : proceedings of the ninth annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference which took place at the University of Durham, April 1999 / 1
DG12.5 .T445 2002 TRAC 2002 : proceedings of the twelfth annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, which took place at the University of Kent at Canterbury, 5-6 April, 2002 / 1