Call Number (LC) Title Results
DG206.C38 B873 2018 Cassius Dio's Forgotten Histor of Early Rome : the Roman History, Book 1-21. 1
DG206.C38 C34 2019 Cassius Dio and the Late Roman Republic /
Cassius Dio and the late Roman Republic /
DG206.C38 C36 2019 Cassius Dio's forgotten history of early Rome : the Roman history, Books 1-21 / 1
DG206.C38 C37 2016 Cassius Dio : Greek intellectual and Roman politician /
Cassius Dion : nouvelles lectures /
Your match would be here.
DG206.C38 C374 2021 Cassius Dio the historian : methods and approaches / 2
DG206.C38 K464 2022 The Intellectual Climate of Cassius Dio Greek and Roman Pasts. 1
DG206.C38 M34 2019 Cassius Dio / 1
DG206.C38 S26 2023 An age of iron and rust : Cassius Dio and the history of his time / 1
DG206.C38 S745 1971 De redevoeringen bij Cassius Dio / 1
DG206.D49 H46 2009 Hermann Dessau (1856-1931) : zum 150. Geburtstag des Berliner Althistorikers und Epigraphikers : Beiträge eines Kolloquiums und wissenschaftliche Korrespondenz des Jubilars / 1
DG206.G5 B87 1985 Gibbon / 1
DG206.G5 C36 2018 The Cambridge companion to Edward Gibbon / 1
DG206.G5 C37 1987 Gibbon's solitude : the inward world of the historian / 1
DG206.G5 C7 1989 Edward Gibbon, luminous historian, 1772-1794 / 1
DG206.G5 C73 1982 Young Edward Gibbon, gentleman of letters / 2
DG206.G5 E37 1977 Edward Gibbon and the decline and fall of the Roman Empire / 1
DG206.G5 F8 Edward Gibbon, his view of life and conception of history. 1
DG206.G5 G5 Edward Gibbon e la cultura europa del Settecento. 1
DG206.G5 G52 v.1 Remarks on the two last chapters of Mr. Gibbon's History (1778), and A reply to Mr. Gibbon's vindication (1785) 1
DG206.G5 G52 v.2 An apology for Christianity (1776) 1