Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DG214.5 .B87 2011eb | Friendship and empire : Roman diplomacy and imperialism in the middle republic (353-146 BC) / | 2 |
DG214.5 .D56 2009 | Diplomats and diplomacy in the Roman world / | 1 |
DG214.5 .D56 2009eb | Diplomats and diplomacy in the Roman world / | 1 |
DG214.5 .E74 2000 | Ethnicity and culture in late antiquity / | 1 |
DG214.5 .R66 2016 | Rome and the worlds beyond its frontiers / | 1 |
DG215.C37 M37 1991 | Poeni foedifragi : Untersuchungen zur Darstellung römisch-karthagischer Verträge zwischen 241 und 201 v.Chr. durch die römische Historiographie / | 1 |
DG215.C37 P35 1997 | Rome and Carthage at peace / | 1 |
DG215.C6 | Rome and China : points of contact / | 1 |
DG215.E3 P43 2021eb | The triumph and trade of Egyptian objects in Rome : collecting art in the ancient Mediterranean / | 1 |
DG215.E3 S66 1986 | Fremdenbild und Politik : Vorstellungen der Römer von Ägypten und dem Partherreich in der späten Republik und frühen Kaiserzeit / | 1 |
DG215.E3 S83 2015 | Egypt in Italy : visions of Egypt in Roman imperial culture / | 1 |
DG215.E3 S83 2015eb | Egypt in Italy : visions of Egypt in Roman imperial culture / | 1 |
DG215.E853 R66 1996 | Rome and the North / | 1 |
DG215.I7 | Rome and Persia : the seven hundred year rivalry / | 1 |
DG215.I7 B37 2017 | Emulating Alexander : how Alexander the Great's legacy fuelled Rome's wars with Persia / | 1 |
DG215.I7 C36 2009 | The two eyes of the Earth : art and ritual of kingship between Rome and Sasanian Iran / | 1 |
DG215.I7 C36 2009eb |
The Two Eyes of the Earth : Art and Ritual of Kingship between Rome and Sasanian Iran / The two eyes of the Earth : art and ritual of kingship between Rome and Sasanian Iran / The two eyes of the Earth art and ritual of kingship between Rome and Sasanian Iran / |
4 |
DG215.I7 E39 2021 | Rome and Persia at war : Imperial competition and contact, 193-363 CE / | 1 |
DG215.I7 G65 2023 | The eagle and the lion : Rome, Persia and an unwinnable conflict / | 1 |
DG215.M53 A483 2020 | Rome and the near Eastern Kingdoms and Principalities, 44-31 BC A Study of Political Relations During Civil War. | 1 |