Call Number (LC) Title Results
DG215.M53 S56 2017 Sinews of empire : networks in the Roman Near East and beyond / 1
DG215.M53 S56 2017eb Sinews of empire : networks in the Roman Near East and beyond / 1
DG215.N33 S53 1984 Roman foreign policy in the East, 168 B.C. to A.D. 1 / 1
DG215.P35 Z65 2017 Rome and Judaea : international law relations, 162-100 BCE / 1
DG215.P37 S35 2020 Rome, Parthia, and the politics of peace : the origins of war in the ancient Middle East / 1
DG215.P37 S54 2010 Rome's wars in Parthia : blood in the sand / 1
DG221 The Peoples of Ancient Italy. 1
DG221 .A53 2007 Ancient Italy : regions without boundaries / 1
DG221 .B55 1960 The origins of Rome / 1
DG221 .B553 The origins of Rome. 1
DG221 .D43 1969 Gli antichi italici / 1
DG221 .G76 2015eb Zur Geographie und Geschichte von Alt-Italien / 1
DG221 .M7 Introduction à l'histoire romaine : l'ethnologie préhistorique, les commencements de Rome / 1
DG221 .M7714 1995 Les Italiques : l'art au temps des étrusques / 1
DG221 .P345 1984 Storia della prima italia / 1
DG221 .P34513 1991 A history of earliest Italy / 1
DG221 .P34513 2014eb History of earliest italy 1
DG221 .P46 2018 The peoples of ancient Italy / 1
DG221 .P66 Popoli e civiltá dell'Italia antica. 1
DG221 .R3 1972 Italy before the Romans. 1