Call Number (LC) Title Results
DG261 .M58 1922 Caesars monarchie und das principat des Pompejus : innere geschichte Roms von 66 bis 44 v. Chr. / 1
DG261 .M588 1922 Caesars monarchie und das principat des Pompejus : innere geschichte Roms von 66 bis 44 v. Chr. / 1
DG261 .M67 2021 Julius Caesar and the Roman people / 2
DG261 .N24 History of Julius Cæsar. 1
DG261 .R23 Caesar. 1
DG261 .R23 1976 Caesar / 1
DG261 .S94 De Suetoni vita Caesaris. : Pars prior. 1
DG261 .T38 2008 Always I am Caesar / 1
DG261 .T38 2008eb Always I am Caesar 1
DG261 .T5 Julius Caesar and the grandeur that was Rome / 1
DG261 .U44 2000 L'ultimo Cesare : scritti, riforme, progetti, congiure : atti del convegno internazionale, Cividale del Friuli, 16-18 settembre 1999 / 1
DG261 .W314 Caesar : a biography / 1
DG261 .W314 1953 Caesar / 1
DG261 .W95 2008 Caesar : a life in western culture / 1
DG262 Caesar's great success : sustaining the Roman army on campaign /
Armies of Julius Caesar 58-44 BC /
DG262 .C34 2003 Caesar against liberty? : perspectives on his autocracy / 1
DG262 .C5 1994 Caesar : Annäherungen an einen Diktator / 1
DG262 .G35 2016 Julius Caesar's disease : a new diagnosis / 1
DG262 .H3 1924i Some problems in Roman history ten essays bearing on the administrative and legislative work of Julius Caesar / 1
DG262 .H32 Julius Caesar in Shakespeare, Shaw, and the ancients. 1