Call Number (LC) Title Results
DG264.C333 R54 2006 Caesar in Gaul and Rome : war in words / 1
DG264 .G55 2003eb Caesar's Gallic wars, 58-50 BC / 1
DG264.G55 2003eb DG264 Caesar's Gallic Wars 58-50 BC. 1
DG264 .P48 2003 De gestis Cesaris / 1
DG264 .R38 Caesars Commentarii : Stil und Stilwandel am Beispiel der direkten Rede. 1
DG265 .C3714 1996 Histoire romaine : livres 40-41, César et Pompée / 1
DG266 The Battle of Dyrrhachium (48 BC) : Caesar, Pompey, and the early campaigns of the Third Roman Civil War /
C. Ivli Caesaris commentariorvm.
DG266.A73 B373 1933 Les sources et l'originalité d'Appien dans le deuxième livre des Guerres civiles. 1
DG266 .B78 1978 Caesar und die römische Oberschicht in den Jahren 49-44 v. Chr. : Unters. zur Herrschaftsetablierung im Bürgerkrieg / 1
DG266 .C347 2016 Civil war / 1
DG266 .C42 The Civil War. : Together with The Alexandrian War, The African War, and The Spanish War / 1
DG266 .C42 1991 The civil war : books I & II / 1
DG266 .D36 2006 Cleopatra's kidnappers : how Caesar's Sixth Legion gave Egypt to Rome and Rome to Caesar / 2
DG266 .F4913 2019 Crossing the Rubicon : Caesar's decision and the fate of Rome / 1
DG266 .F499 2019 Crossing the Rubicon : Caesar's Decision and the Fate of Rome. 2
DG266 .G59 2003eb Caesar's civil war, 49-44 BC / 1
DG266.G59 2003eb Caesar's Civil War 49-44 BC. 1
DG266 .H65 2003 Rubicon : the last years of the Roman Republic / 1
DG266 .J55 2000 Caesar against Rome : the great Roman civil war / 1
DG266 .N64 1984 Storiografia imperiale pretacitiana : linee di svolgimento / 1