Call Number (LC) Title Results
DG274 .H33 1978 Die Religionszugehörigkeit der hohen Amtsträger des Römischen Reiches seit Constantins I. Alleinherrschaft bis zum Ende der Theodosianischen Dynastie : (324-450 bzw. 455 n. Chr.) / 2
DG274 .H445 2023 Caesar rules : the Emperor in the changing Roman world (c. 50 BC - AD 565) / 2
DG274 .H47 2005 Regnum post Marcum / 1
DG274 .H58 Bonner Historia-Augusta-Colloquium.
DG274 .I43 2018 Imagining emperors in the later Roman Empire / 1
DG274 .I43 2018eb Imagining emperors in the later Roman Empire / 1
DG274 (INTERNET) The imperiall historie, or, The liues of the emperours, from Iulius Cæsar, the first founder of the Roman monarchy, vnto this present yeere containing their liues and actions, with the rising and declining of that empire; the originall, and successe, of all those barbarous nations that haue inuaded it, and ruined it by peece-meele : with an ample relation of all the memorable accidents that haue happened during these last combustions /
Analecta Caesarum Romanorum, or, Select observations of all the Roman emperors illustrated with their several effigies according to their coins /
A chronicle of all the noble emperours of the Romaines from Iulius Cæsar, orderly to this moste victorious Emperour Maximilian, that now gouerneth, with the great warres of Iulius Cæsar, [and] Pompeius Magnus: setting forth the great power, and deuine prouidence of almighty God, in preseruing the godly princes and common wealthes. /
Select and choyce observations, containing all the Romane emperours
DG274 .K54 1996 Römische Kaisertabelle : Grundzüge einer römischen Kaiserchronologie / 1
DG274 .K64 1987 Untersuchungen zur Historia Augusta / 1
DG274 .L44 1663 Select and choice observations concerning all the Roman and Greek emperors 2
DG274 .L44 1664 Analecta Caesarum Romanorum, or, Select observations of all the Roman emperors illustrated with their several effigies according to their coins / 2
DG274 .L44 1670 Select and choice observations concerning all the Roman and Greek emperors 2
DG274 .L56 2008 Lives of the Caesars / 1
DG274 .L67 1984 Das spätantike Herrscherbild von Diokletian bis zu den Konstantin-Söhnen, 284-361 n. Chr. / 1
DG274 .M24 1991 Lo sviluppo della titolatura imperiale da Augusto a Giustiniano : attraverso le testimonianze epigrafiche / 1
DG274 .M27 1984 The Caesars / 1
DG274 .M4513 2004 Emperors don't die in bed / 1
DG274 .M4513 2004eb Emperors don't die in bed 1
DG274 .P43 1990 Roman imperial titulature and chronology, A.D. 235-284 / 1
DG274 .P44 1985 Das römische Kaiserbildnis in Staat, Kult und Gesellschaft : dargestellt anhand der Schriftquellen / 1