Call Number (LC) Title Results
DG276.5 .S55 1925a The Roman empresses : the history of the lives and secret intrigues of the wives of the twelve Caesars / 1
DG276.5 .S72 2003 Princeps und miles : Studien zum Bindungs- und Nahverhältnis von Kaiser und Soldat im 1. und 2. Jahrhundert n. Chr. / 1
DG276.5 .T336 2016 Moving Romans : migration to Rome in the principate / 1
DG276.5 .W56 2009 Politics and society in imperial Rome / 1
DG277 Vidas de los doce césares /
Suetonius : lives of the Caesars /
DG277 (INTERNET) The historie of tvvelve Cæsars emperours of Rome / 1
DG277.S7 G3 The lives of the twelve Caesars / 1
DG277.S7 H6 1923 History of twelve Caesars / 1
DG277.S7 H6 1967 History of twelve Caesars / 1
DG277.S7 O84 2020 How to be a bad emperor : an ancient guide to truly terrible leaders / 1
DG277.S7 P5 Gai Suetoni Tranquilli de vita Caesarum, libri III-VI : Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero / 1
DG277.S7 T5 1889 The lives of the twelve Caesars / 1
DG277.S7 T5 1893 The lives of the twelve Caesars / 1
DG277.S7 T5 1957 The twelve Caesars / 1
DG277 .S7T5 1964 The twelve Caesars / 1
DG277.S7 T5 1979 The twelve Caesars / 1
DG277.S75 T5 1692 The lives of the twelve Caesars, the first emperors of Rome
The lives of the twelve Cæsars, the first emperors of Rome
DG277 .S83 1963 The lives of the twelve Caesars / 1
DG277 .S83 1979  
DG277 .S83 1989 The twelve Caesars / 1