Call Number (LC) Title Results
DG312 .R66 2008 Rome and the barbarians : the birth of a new world / 1
DG312 .S6 2006 The governor and his subjects in the later Roman empire / 2
DG312 .S63 1986 Società romana e impero tardoantico / 1
DG312 .S98 2020 The military history of late Rome AD 425-457 : the age of the warlords Aetius vs. Attila / 1
DG312 .S993 2015 A military history of late Rome 284 to 361 / 1
DG312 .T48 2023 The Tetrarchy as ideology : reconfigurations and representations of an imperial power / 1
DG312 .T73 1997 The transformation of the Roman world AD 400-900 / 2
DG312 .U55 2006 Die Tetrarchie : ein neues Regierungssystem und seine mediale Präsentation / 1
DG312 .V56 2006 Violence in late antiquity : perceptions and practices / 1
DG312 .W3 The decline of the Roman Empire in the West. 1
DG312 .W3 1969 The awful revolution: the decline of the Roman Empire in the West / 1
DG312 .W3 1969a The awful revolution: the decline of the Roman Empire in the West / 1
DG312 .W55 2001 Rom und das Perserreich : zwei Weltmächte zwischen Konfrontation und Koexistenz / 1
DG312 .W6613 1997 The Roman Empire and its Germanic peoples / 1
DG312 .W7 Christianity and nationalism in the later Roman Empire / 1
DG312.5.A55 R4733 1999 Moralische Werte in den Res gestae des Ammianus Marcellinus / 2
DG312.5.B6 L4 1941 De rebus gestis Bonifatii : comitis Africae et magistri militum / 1
DG312.5.G3 O5 Galla Placidia Augusta : a biographical essay. 1
DG312.5.S5 H37 1994 Sidonius Apollinaris and the fall of Rome, AD 407-485 / 1
DG312.5.S5 H37 1994eb Sidonius Apollinaris and the fall of Rome, AD 407-485 / 1